" Goodbye Y/N. . ." She finally said, giving me a smile that was sweeter than honey.

I stood there with my back against the wall as the door slid close. She definitely wasn't herself but I can't just confront her about it. Memories of what Dick told me along with Cyborg ring through my head as I stood there staring at the other wall. I couldn't let the team know and risk them treating her differently, that'll only make her more agitated, escalate the situation and who knows what she'll do then. Whether I like it or not, I had to do this on my own. Whatever it takes, to save her from whatever's inside her.

" How am I going to figure out what's going on when I don't even know what it is?" I muttered under my breath. I glanced over to see Kori walking out of the surveillance room. A idea made its way in my head. I know Dick and I know he undoubtedly compiles files and information about potential teammates and all the villains he's come across. There's bound to be a file in the computer about her. I just need to find it.

Kori had gotten down to train with Dick. Gar's playing video game with Victor and Rachel's in the room so I'm in the clear. I went in, plugging in my hard drive as I began to search everything Dick has stored about Rachel; downloading it all. I heard faint footsteps coming towards the door. I immediately plugged off and brought up the surveillance cameras tav, pretending to look for suspicious activities. Raven walked in, looking extremely different than usual. She used to be all hidden and ominous with her hood up, her eyes barely visible under it but this time her hood was down as a small creepy smirk crept across her face. It reminded me of Joker before I shook it off my mind.

She had an apple in one hand while the other twirled a small paring knife. She propped herself up on the desk, attempting to get my attention which she did.

" Apple?" She offered but something about the way she held the knife was off. She wasn't holding it like a ' would you like a piece of fruit ' kind of way. It was more of a ' I'll cut you so many times that you're barely breathing but you're not dead.' kind of way. I was fueled with the urge to grab a hold of her and ask her what was going on but I didn't instead I just shook my head as I stood up, putting on my helmet.

" Where're you going Y/N~ ?" She said with a creepy drag of her voice. Her eyes seemingly gleamed with evil intentions.

" Out." I said coldly to get her off my back. She just chuckled softly as her gaze stuck on me until I eventually left the room.


I was on top of a building as I looked through the information I downloaded through the HUD in helmet. There was quite a good amount of information on there but not enough for me to pinpoint exactly what was going on with Raven. I was about look into it further when I heard a bunch of people screaming from the building below me.

" Well that's something to take my mind off things." I said to myself as I got ready to do what I always do. I turned on my infrared vision as I began to canvas the building. Several hostages in the upper level just two floors below me with surprisingly only two villains. I couldn't recognize them, not that I know any of the villains the Titans faced besides Slade. I initially wanted to sneak in from the vents but it was too small and cramp for my considerably large frame.

" Gotta lay off on the hamburgers after this."

I jumped off the ledge; turning around mid-air to shoot a grapple that stuck perfectly on the edge of the roof before I swung in, breaking into the glass window on the side of the building; catching the attentions of the two hostile guests. I took another look to realize they were both females. One in a japanese-like outfit while the other in an armour and blonde hair. The villains these days just keeps on getting more and more creative.

Our Own Demons // Raven x Male Reader Red Hood//Where stories live. Discover now