Chapter 10

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So it' been 6 months since Lauren's birthday and it's almost the end of school year which means I am also about to go to L.A. Alot of birthday's and events also happened. I released two new songs . One is really new and I am still promoting it. So in the morning I woke up took a shower. I went downstairs to see that no one was up so feeling lazy and not wanting to make breakfast myself I decided to head out to Tim Hortons.
I reached there and ordered a milkshake and a donut and was about to go find a seat when I came face to face with no other than John Vincent Orlando. "what are you doing here?" we both said together. John looked at me in a way which clearly said you go first. "Umm I was feeling lazy to I came over to have breakfast and you?" I asked. "I came here for coffee like I always do." He said and shaking his head and smiling he went forward to place his order. I silently waited for my food. After I got my food i noticed that john was already seated with his coffee. He beckoned me to come sit with him. Smiling I went and sat infront of him.
"Soo how are you?" I asked him as I sat down. "Good you?" He asked. "Really happy" I smiled. "Cuz of your new song cuz if it was my song I'd be really proud of it, it's awesome" John said. "Thank you for the compliment, and yes I am happy because of that and also cuz I am excited to go start filming you remember the role I got?" I asked him. "Ofcourse I remember so when are you going to go?" He asked me. "Oh just after school ends?" i replied. "And for how long?" he asked. "Maximum a year" I said. "A YEAR" he almost shouted. "Yeah why what's wrong?" I asked. "Umm nothing just realizing that we might not see each other for a year" he said then became silent. "Ok now you're being emotional" I said. He suddenly got up" Anyways Lauren would be happy" He said and turned to leave. "Wait why would she be happy?" I asked. He turned around and just said" Ask her" and then left.
Huh dramatic much at first i was annoyed but then I realized what he said and I saw he was upset and seeing him upset was kind of disturbing? I think thats the right word. Suddenly an idea came in my mind and I ran back home wanting to ask permission about it from my mom. As soon as I reached home I heard voices in the dining room indicating that my family was awake. "Morning mum Morning dad Hey doofus" I said kissing my moms cheek and sitting down. "Mom teach this girl to respect her elders" My brother said. "oh but mom I always respect you guys don't I?" I asked my mom innocently causing my brother to do a huge eye roll. I smirked he's too easy to play with. Anyways back to my idea. "Soo umm mom I was wondering if you could pack a picnic basket for me" I asked her. "Umm sure why?" She asked me. "oh just wanted to go on a picnic with a friend" I said. "Sure darling but make sure you're home by 5:00 or else you're grounded" my mom said. I was a bit surprised because I have never been grounded but I agreed.
So then I started getting ready I chose a cute dress to wear and kept my hair open. I then headed downstairs to check on the food. "Wow mom you went all out thank you soo much" I said hugging her tightly. "No problem I just knew who it was for she said and winked. Surprised, I headed to me room. "Now for the last step to cal the person who all this is for" I said. And the I started texting John.
y: Meet me at titbits I am sending you the location
J: Why?
Y; Just come
J: Why?
y: Don't you trust me?
J: yeah but still
J:Ok ok fine
J: Will be there
Satisfied I closed my phone and headed to Titbits myself......

Thank you for a 100 reads :):)

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