Yandere Neighbor Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader

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Swiftly, I close the curtains and begin my search around the house. So far nothing seems wrong and there are no signs of intrusion or anyone in this house but me. I think it's safe to say that I can relax for a while before the creep's next move.

With a relieved sigh I sit on the couch and put on some TV while I wait for my parents to come home from work. Fortunately for me, they get off of work an hour early on Saturdays like it is today so they should be home roughly within an hour and a half.

"OH CRAP!" I exclaim as I jolt up off of the couch. Speaking of my parents, I forgot that I'm supposed to grab the mail for them before they get home. I need to go do that right now before I forget again like I did last time.

Immediately I rush over towards the door and scramble to put my shoes on. Although as I do so, I can't help but hesitate for a moment. Is it safe to go outside? Should I stay inside? Nah I should be okay. I checked outside earlier and the coast was clear. Plus I'll just grab it fast and run back inside.

In a speedy manner, I open my front door and warily walk in the direction of the mailbox. The only sound in the air is my frantic footsteps as I stride down the pathway nervously. Once I finally reach the mailbox, I snatch the bundle of letters and newspapers and whip around with a vengeance preparing to run back inside. The only issue is, instead of running down an empty pathway like I was expecting, my dumbass self smacked into someone.

Papers and letters fly everywhere as I fall and land on my butt. Groaning in pain, I stand up and gently massage my behind and then I turn my gaze to the poor person whom I ran into. To my surprise, standing in front of me is Shoto who is carefully picking up my mail. Huh? I thought he hated me, so why is he helping me out after I just slammed into him? And how did he even get here so fast? I didn't hear footsteps or anything like that at all.

"Sorry." I state while I reach down to help pick up my mess.

"It's fine." Shoto monotonously states as he hands me my stuff. "Why were you in a hurry?" He asks.

My face glows with amazement. Since when does Shoto talk to me?! This is certainly a first! Is he feeling okay? Did I mess up his brain when I accidentally smacked into him. What's going on?

"Oh I've just been getting these weird messages from my stalker as of late and the last one really bothered me." I nervously state.

"Stalker?" The half red half white haired boy questions with an eyebrow raised.

Why is he suddenly showing interest in me and my troubles? He usually keeps to himself. Maybe he was just shy before and didn't know how to socialise properly? That's my best guess. Shoto is really hard to read.

"Um yeah I have been being stalked for probably weeks now and the last thing he sent me was something really gross that made me uncomfortable." I say with a chill crawling up my spine. Just even thinking about that video makes me want to bathe in bleach.

At the mention of my words, Shoto glances to the side in a slightly dejected manner. "Oh.... You-you didn't like it.....?"

Of course I didn't like it! What kind of question is that?! Who in their right mind would be ecstatic to view something of that caliber from some complete stranger who has been terrorizing them for weeks?!

"No it made me feel disgusting and I want to crawl out of my skin because of it." I state.

"I'm sorry that the video made you feel that way. Do you want to come over to my house until your parents come home so you won't be alone?" He asks as he looks directly into my eyes searching for an answer.

"No that's okay. I just want to go back inside now, I don't want to burden you with anything." I say as I turn to leave. I really just want to finish watching TV.

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