y/n hummed and closed the door, looking around at the room.

"ya like what ya see?" miya said as he put youtube on the tv.

"oh shut up" y/n groaned, turning the light off and sitting in the bed.

miya put on one of his playlist, freaks by surf curse being the first song played.

"hey, kitty?" y/n said, catching the emerald eyed male attention.

"yes, puppy?" miya said, getting under the cover, holding it up so y/n can also get under.

"why don't you live with your mom?" y/n asked as he got under the cover.

"i ran away" the slightly taller male stated.


"she didn't support me. me as in the decisions i made, the people i'm friends with, who i like, what i do"

"you're pansexual, right?"

"yeah, how'd yknow?"

"your phone case"

"oh yeah" miya said, letting out a light chuckle.

"did she support you being pansexual?" y/n ask, looking at miya.

"no, she didn't really support anything i did. she also didn't like that i'm friends with langa, reki, and the rest."

"why not?"

"their 'too old'" miya said, changing his voice when he said 'too old'.

"do you think she would like me?"


"why not?!-"

"i don't know, she's weird like that. i'm going to see her tomorrow tho. you wanna come?"

"hell yeah!"

"well, go to sleep. we're leaving early. also, we have to walk."

"wait- why?"

"cause, i don't need kojiro and kaoru knowing."

y/n hummed and got comfortable.

soon enough, miya and y/n both fell asleep.

~9:03 AM~

miya woke up only to see y/n, cuddled up against him.

miya groaned, not wanting to wake up the sleeping boy.

miya grabbed his phone to see what time it was, and to take a picture of y/n.

miya looked at the male that had his(y/n) arms wrapped around his(miya) torso, and his face buried into his chest.

he stared as the sun shined through the window, hitting his body.

"y/n..?" miya tapped and shook the slightly shorter boy.

y/n groaned, "what?" he said, still tired.

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