Half Breed

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Class D was afraid that all hell will break loose after all its ayanakoji were talking about he was not nice with him being called by his last name but if they said it a second time they never knew what the devil was capable of.

Ayanakoji - What did you say to me releasing 15 percent of his aura most majority of the class piss themselves with this raise in power

Chabashira - kun was shaking in her boots she  really believed that GOD gave her a  gift to her class to reach Class A,  oh wrong was she the devil came himself

Ayanakoji -  Didn't you not hear me pig, what must you call me, Ayanakoji he never liked the name that man gave him but if someone he considered strong and fearless of his wrath, he would make them call him that name

Y-yes senpai what a good deduction skill you have

After she said that she muttered all her strength and dashed out of the room Ayanakoji turned his aura off and smiled to the rest of the students as they began to get up off the ground the girls blushed and both sex wondered of the how could he be a angel and a devil at the same time they realized if they never would of known his true self they would've thought that he was an angel sent from god

Ayanakoji - pigs remember to behave in class and don't spend under 80,000 points ike and yamauchi follow me he said as he walked out everybody was stunned what could he want with those idiots and everybody in the classroom bowed their head to him as a response which meant understood and ike and yamauchi followed suit

Ike - Senpai what could you want with us, he decided to pop the question yamauchi wanted to ask

To come shopping with me and for now you 2 are my bodyguards nobody gets close to me got it, he said as he looked at them with 1 percent aura

Y-yes senpai they said in unison


we arrived at Kekyi mall they ask me if they could buy video games I instantly told them no they don't need it if they got 500,000 point they could get it, I told them what to buy and don't get expensive things and they could decorate their room with what they bought with their own money while I was getting some deodorant for the three of us I saw my neighbor I decided to say hi  because I never really got to say anything to her yet as i was going to talk to her I saw something that said free items that confirms my suspicion, anyways back to the point 

Hey is it Horikita I said trying to brighten the mood

Hey what are you doing, she seemed a bit surprised about my remark she began shaking

O- oh its you I should be asking y-you the same thing 

I'm here to buy some necessities with my bodyguards he said as he started checking for deodorant ,  she was shocked by my statement but quickly grabbed a whole of herself and said  same here.

Can I have your number for some coffee sometime I said

Oh ok she said as she gave me her number and parted ways and then I heard a shout 

HEY WAIIT IM SEARCHING FOR IT he shouted and made my way to him he's the delinquent from class I said to Sudo

Hey shut up ill pay for it  I said

Who the hell are you tal- talk he said as he looked up to see the half breed himself half angel half devil he started to to greet me

Oh thanks I didn't expect you senpai he said

Yeah don't worry about it happy to help a class mate out as he said that ike and yamauchi showed up behind him which looked like they have been shopping

They shared the items among themselves and they finally noticed sudo 

Oh hey sudo how you doing ike said, I'm doing fine he said in return

All of us paid for our things and left as sudo gave a cup noodles to ayanakoji in return for his kindness

As sudo left to eat on a open table in sight as he dined three people started coming up to him i should probably go help because its like trouble loves him as I was walking I saw a camera oh is this what they mean by bullying  

Hey punk get up from our seat do you not see bags he said

Hey asshole you got some guts trying to mess with me Sudo said

They picked up their bags and start laughing, wa-wait you are in Class D right he said as he laughed his ass off

Yeah so what ass brain Sudo said

Figured as much you are going to be in hell anyways they said in unison

I turned on my aura and they instantly shut up

Wait are you trying to say something bad about our class ass hats I said as they were shaking in their boots

Oh no we were just playing as he said that all of them run off i turned of my aura

I walked off pissed with yamauchi and ike following suit i just sighed and said

Hey you guys hear what they said their probably trying to tell us something about our points system i said to them and they nodded

Yeah when they said we are going to be in hell soon that just makes your point right ayanakoji what you said in class yamauchi said stunned

exactly now you can go to your rooms I have something to do   as I said that they were gone I smiled yay ice cream I had never had it before so its going to be my first I said happy in my mind

I bumped into someone when I was going to buy ice cream she was a girl I helped her up and introduced myself with a smile I saw her blush wow am I really that good I got to try it out next time

Hey sorry my name is Ayanakoji what's yours, I said trying to brighten the mood 

Oh yeah sorry my name is Ichinose Honami she said a bit flustered

Ok bye I said as I rushed to the ice cream shop

As I reached the  shop I bought and ate the ice cream and smiled there are a lot of girls around me lets try, I smiled and they started to blush someone just took a picture of me yes i might have advantage over girls to make them my pawns easy, haha I manically laughed in my mind

As I was done I got back in a reception area and got into my dorm I cooked and ate and was ready to go to my bed

My journey is not that bad I said

Ok sorry guys for the hold up my grades have fallen down from A+s to A and B s in my practice tests so i got to study for this exam May 26 But after  I'm going to post back to my 3-1 week upload schedule anyways by the end of next month which class should class D go to not Class A yet

Class B

Class C

Class D

Lets get it

The Confident geniusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ