My Hero (Shell Cottage)

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Okay okay, y'all were begging for another chapter so ig I'll write one. JK!!! I wrote this before I even put the first one out. Again all characters belong to the transphobe JRK. I really don't like her.

Hermione's POV:

I wake up feeling very sore. I can't remember exactly what happened but I know it wasn't good. Suddenly I feel arms around me. I look down at them and the arms are long with big hands COVERED in freckles, and pale. These arms belong to the one and only Ronald Weasley.

He is sleeping right now but, almost my entire body is on top of him. My head is on his chest I can feel his heart beating and it's calming me. There are cuts on his hands, probably from the incident that I can't seem to remember right now, but all I know that my body feels HORRIBLE. My head starts to hurt as I slowly remember what happened. I start crying trying to be quiet not to wake Ron because he has done so much for me he needs to rest.

Ron. MY Ron Weasley, well he's not mine...yet, but my Ron Weasley the little boy from the train with dirt on his nose begged THE Bellatrix Lestrange, the horrible which who tortured the Longbottems into insanity, to take him instead of me.

I turn my head to look at his face and it breaks my heart. He looks so upset and worried. I can see that his eyes are puffy. He must have been crying. But why? Did he care that much about me? He still has a mark on his face from where that evil witch slapped him when he tried to take my place. I reach my hand up and rub my thumb across it.

I feel the tears stinging my eyes as I lay my head on his shoulder and stare up at his face. It has some cuts from the chandelier. He hasn't shaved in a long time, I move my hand to rub my thumb across the stubble on his chin. The tears falling free. I really do love him. He is the reason I'm sitting here in this bed ALIVE with him. Then it hit me. I just slept in the same bed with RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY. I don't think I've smiled like this in months. With the smile on my face I lean in and kiss his cheek and whisper  "My hero".

I lay my head down oh is shoulder, my face in his neck. He smells amazing, just like Ron, he must have showered before he came and slept in here with me. The smell of him calms me down and makes the pain go away. It's comforting and calming.

It was then that he started to wake up. Slowly his eyes start to open. "Good morning" I smile at his tired face.

"Morning" Ron says looking very tired. Then suddenly he seems wide awake and anxious. "How are you feeling? Do I need to get Fleur?"

He starts to get up when I grab his wrist so he would stay with me "I'm fine right now, I'm in a little bit of pain but it's nothing I can't handle."

"Mione I really think I should get Fleur" he looks very scared and worried.

"You can get her in a little while, I just want to you to stay with me right now. Please" I'm staring into his ocean blue eyes that always make me calm. I lean into his side more and he firms his grip on me. We sit there in comfortable silence for some time when suddenly he speaks  low and quiet.

"I thought you were...I thought I would never see you again mione" I can hear him fighting the tears. I'm letting mine fall freely and he takes his thumb and wipes them away.

"I'm so sorry hermione I-"
"Don't you dare apologize Ronald Weasley"
"But I couldn't keep you safe. I failed Hrmione"
"Ron," I start choking back tears "you begged her to take you instead and when she threw you downstairs, you kept yelling for me."
"I felt like an idiot the entire time. All I could do was yell. It was doing nothing."
"NO RON!" I say loudly "it was doing EVERYTHING, it kept me alive. Your voice kept me alive and sane!"
"You could hear me?" He asks confused
"YES! Ron the reason I'm laying here right now is because of your voice!" We are both crying and he grabs me and hugs me. I have never felt so safe before in my entire life.

"I hate that bitch! I really do" he starts angry "if I ever see her or ANY of them again I'll kill them dead!  Those fuckers deserve to die!"
"RON" I say harshly "you are NOT becoming a killer because of me"
"But I will! He yells "For you, Dobby,  Luna, Neville, Bill, Dean, Harry, Sirius, and for ANYONE else they have done wrong to! They deserve to suffer the way we have"

I'm speechless, I don't like that he wants to kill but I am so proud of the MAN that he has become. All I can do is stare into his eyes.

After a minute he says with a smile "I can't believe I said TWO swear words and I didn't even hear a " language Ronald!" He does doing a good impression of me, but I'll never tell him that.
"I don't sound like that!" I say laughing.
"Oh yes you do"

We are bothering laughing now but suddenly I start coughing from the pain. Ron starts to worry but then there is a knock on the door.  "Come in" I say trying to stop the coughing. It's Harry and he's giving us a look of knowing on his face.
"I came here to check on you but from what I heard it sounds like you're doing better" he has a huge smile on his face and I feel my face heat up.
"I'm a little sore but I can handle it for now"
The Bill walks in "I heard you say you were sore so here is some potion Fleur told me to give you incase you need it while she is in the garden." I take it with a thank you and set it down on the nightstand because I don't need it right now.

Ron then grabs the bottle and says " 'ermione take this, it's for your pain."
"I'm fine right now." I say in a calm low voice a little embarrassed
"Mione, love that wasn't a question it was a statement. Take the damn potion...please" the tips of his ears are red probably because he called me love. And I LOVED it! I could get used to him calling me that. I don't really feel like rowing right now so I just take the potion.

After chatting with Harry and Bill for a while they both leave to start breakfast. I offer to help but then I hear three different people say "No". Then we all just laugh Ron pulling me closer and Bill and Harry leavening the room. Ron then kisses my head as I slowly fall back asleep in his arms realizing that all the laughing and crying took a lot of energy from me. But I haven't been this happy in a very long time. Safe in my loves arms!

OH LWARDY...okay so that was that. I plan on having one more part to this story. I hope you enjoyed and look out for the 3rd and final part 3.

My HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora