Chapter 1

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"It's here! It's here!" Marinette squealed as she ran to her mailbox. She sent her application form for Hope's Peak Academy a few months ago, and her acceptance letter was supposed to come in today.

Hope's peak academy was accepting fifteen prodigy teens to attend their school as students to help improve upon their talents and pave the road to their guaranteed success.

Marinette's dream is to become the ultimate designer. She studies it day and night, consuming ounces of energy drinks and spoonfuls of sugar to stay awake, and works hard to make the best articles of clothing she possibly can with her talented fingers. Her works are so far ahead of the game that one of the most famous designers and her idol, Gabriel Agreste, believes she had a chance to make it big in the industry.

She opened the mailbox slowly, her heart pounding all the way to her throat and her drenched hands barely able to grip the handle. This single letter could make or break her entire future, and she would be absolutely devastated and heartbroken if they declined.

Snapping back to reality and shaking her head, she grabbed the letter and ran back to her house. Her family members were also excited to see if their daughter had a chance to live a comfortable life in fame, like they had always wished for her.

Her family had always struggled with money and hardly had enough to keep her well-fed and clothed. They hoped that she would never bear the strain of living paycheck to paycheck.

"Mama! Papa! It's here! The letter from Hope's Peak is here!"

"Oh my goodness! What does it say, sweetie?"

"Uh, haven't checked. I saved off opening it for you."

Tom, her father, snatched the letter from her shaking hands. "I guess I'll open it. I know how dramatic you woman are, so I'll deliver the news the best way possible," he smiled.

"Wow, Papa, you really have faith in me," Marinette pouted. Tom hollered with laughter and began sliding the envelope open.

A beat of silence passes, the tension in the room suffocating. Sabine gripped edge of her seat until her knuckles turned white while Marinette held her breath and crossed both her sweaty fingers. "Their response is...!"

And that's it! Sorry its kinda short, I'll be making longer chapters in the future! Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! :)

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