•Chapter- 1•

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"Madira! Wake up! It's 8:00! You said you have a big meeting!" That's how I woke up to my mother shouting at me early in the morning!

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"Madira! Wake up! It's 8:00! You said you have a big meeting!"
That's how I woke up to my mother shouting at me early in the morning!

Nothing new! I am not an early riser, I mean who wakes up early in the morning leaving their heaven a.k.a sleep!? Not me!

I peeped open one eye to see it's morning already and I successfully ignored my alarm once again!

"Madira! Wake up! What do I do with this girl!?" My mother Mandira Varma stood at the foot of my bed looking at me very angrily. Very.

"Good morning Mamma!" I sprang up from my bed with a huge smile and hugged her nuzzling my head in her torso only to receive a smack on my head. And it's very hard.

"Ouch! Woman I just woke up!" I said my face morphing into a painful expression. Damn! My mother hits hard!

"That's what! You need to start waking up early! I mean you are a grown-up girl for God's sake! And here you are being a lazy ass!"

"Mamma! You know I don't like waking up early and it's 8:00 A.M! It's super early!" I whined receiving another smack from her.

"Stop whining and go bath! Or else you will get late for office" Saying that she went out of the room not before warning me to not sleep again as I have this habit of going back to sleep even if I just woke up.

I got out of the bed folding my blanket and setting my bed before going to shower.
After getting ready I went down for breakfast to be greeted by the sight of my father Raghuvendra Varma and my big brother Ruhan Varma.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself right?! Well,
I am Madira Varma! I am 26 years old. I work as an interior designer in a famous interior designing company "Home".
I have been working there for two years.
I am what you can call an introvertive extrovert; an ambivert. I like going out and socializing but I also like my own space at times. I have two best friends Ayesha and Zeeshan who I know since I was in diapers.
I am married to food since before I was born and we both can never be separated.
My nickname if you ask anyone who knows me is "Drama Queen" as I am dramatic to a fault.

I think that pretty much sums me up!

I went to papa and kissed him on the cheek and ruffled my brother's hair only to receive a scowl in return. I don't know what's it with guys and their hair. My brother hates it when I touch his perfectly set hair and gives me hell for it. I mean I am a girl and have long hair and even I don't get so fussed up about my hair! No offense!

"How many times did I tell you to not touch my hair!? Can't you just keep your hand to yourself?" He said annoyed at my stunt.

I settled myself opposite him and rolled my eyes "Jeez! Calm down! It's just your hair!"

"It's not just hair! Do you know how long it took for me to perfect it?" He said setting his hair again neatly. See obsessive much?!

I just gave him an incredulous look and ignored him. I would've argued more but the aroma of freshly made pancakes hit my nostrils making me drool and when food is on the plate I don't care if someone even cuts my hair off.......Wait maybe I will care a little!?

Mamma came to me still glaring at me and put the pancakes in front of me. I royally ignored that and poured chocolate syrup on my chocolate pancakes and started devouring my heaven!

"The food is not disappearing cupcake! Eat slowly! You look like a pig right now" My brother said looking at me with disgust. Maybe I do look like a pig with the chocolate covering my mouth but Meh! Who cares!
But I am not going to let my brother get away with calling me a pig so I use my best trick in situations like this. Papa!

I turn towards my father who is looking at us with amusement as if we are giving him his dose of entertainment and showed him my "I can get anything with this look" face.

Didn't understand!? My favorite puppy dog face which makes everyone fall for it.

"Papa! Bhai called me a pig!" I whined and wobbled my lower lip for effect and that did it.

My father reached out smacking Bhai on the head making the latter wince much to my enjoyment!

"Don't call my baby a pig! Look at yourself first!" He said sternly making bhai roll his eyes secretly giving me the stink eye.

This is a typical thing in our house. I am Papa's little girl and Bhai is Mamma's boy. I mean me and Mamma bond over things that are entirely different and Papa and Bhai bond over things completely different. But if it comes down to sides I am my father's and my brother is our mother's favorite.
And it's coming in handy now! But my mother had to butt in because she can't see her baby boy getting one-sided.

"Stop hitting him Raghu! Look at her! She is being super irresponsible but you won't say anything to her! Look at how she wakes up late every day!?" She said pointing a finger at me and caressing her son's head. I narrowed my eyes at Bhai who is smirking at me.

"Mamma! It's one day! I woke up late one day and you are holding it against me!" I whined and pouted at her.

She raised one eyebrow at me and stared me down and I bit my lip giving in.

"Fine! I wake up late every day! But then what do I do?! I don't like waking up early and who even said that people should sleep at night and wake up in the morning can't it be the opposite?! Can't I wake up at night and sleep in the morning!?" I said frustrated at the person who started this.

P.S: Another thing about me is that I am super silly and ask stupid questions! So keep up!

My mother just looked at me blankly even though you can see the exasperated look on her face whereas my father and my brother are trying not to laugh at my silly questions and my mother's expressions.

"You are acting so stupid right now I don't know what you will do when you get married!? Whoever your husband will be is gonna face hell!?" My mouth fell open at her statement. Seriously?!

"Seriously Ma! I am your daughter for God's sake! And whoever is going to marry me is going to be the luckiest man on Earth for he is going to marry me! An angel in disguise" I said haughtily.

"More like the devil in disguise" Bhai mumbled under his breath but I heard it and narrowed my eyes at him.

And that's how after having another banter in the Varma household I finally left for office! To get started for the day!

Hello lovely readers! This was a glimpse into the Varma family! And I must say they are a goofy lot! Hope you all liked it!
Lemme know your thoughts!

Hello lovely readers! This was a glimpse into the Varma family! And I must say they are a goofy lot! Hope you all liked it! Lemme know your thoughts!

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