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Today is the read through for the second episode of season 3. However, we didn't start the table read immediately. Jim said he needed to make an announcement, so he needed all of the crew and cast to be here. After a quick head count, Jim smiled, looking down at his clipboard. "Alright, so, as we all know, Olivia is going to be cast in a new Disney movie called Girl vs. Monster, so she won't be able to be in as many episodes as she has been in season 1 and 2. Fortunately, the Disney officials have agreed to have Sasha's character, Quinn, become an official character!" Jim announced making everyone applause and look at me happily. "That's not all!" Jim yelled over the claps. "Ever since Quinn has entered the show, Kickin' It has gained 4 million new viewers, earning us the top spot of Disney XD!" No fucking way!

"Great job, Sasha!" Liv hugged me to which I happily hugged back.

"Thanks!" I thanked.

"Ok, people! Settle down, settle down! I know it's exciting, but if we want to uphold our spot, we have to continue producing successful episodes. So, just like last week, we'll be having a table read at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day, giving you throughout the day to memorize your lines on your own," Jim reexplained. We started our table read, very happy with our new rank.


It's been about a month since I started working with Kickin' It and I couldn't be happier. Me and Liv were leaving for lunch at a new restaurant across the street. As we passed the bulletin board of flyers, I noticed one for an animal shelter. They were going to be hosting an adoption festival with booths of toys, dogs, and dogs' needs. All they needed was volunteers. Something you probably didn't know about me is I love animals. I love dogs, just as much, but preferably pit bulls. I don't know what about them makes me so attracted to them, but I am.

"Liv. Liv Liv Liv Liv," I pulled her back to bulletin board.

"What? What what what what?" she replied mockingly. I sent her a short glare before pointing at the flyer.

"I've always wanted to volunteer, but I never could for personal reasons." Cough Nicole cough. "If I do it, would you do it with me?"

"Hell yeah I would! Dogs are adorable, so spending a whole day with them is like a dream come true," Liv dreamily sighed. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not though.

"It's this Saturday at the Los Angeles Animal Shelter. You busy Saturday?" I asked.

"Not that I know of. We should ask if the rest of the cast wants to come," Liv suggested.

"Not only will our volunteerism help organize the program, but our popularity will probably drum up some business," I agreed. We talked about the idea all lunch until the topic of Leo came up. How? I have no idea.

"So, how d'you feel about being Jack's love interest?" Liv asked.

"I don't know honestly. I've always watched the show because you were on it. You are literally my idol," I admitted.

"Aww thanks," Liv blushed.

"I just hope, when we start dating on screen, things don't get awkward off screen," I sighed. "I've started to build a great friendship with Leo and I don't want to ruin. Plus I've only just discovered that I started to like him more-" I cut myself off.

"You like him more what?" Liv coaxed, smirking.

"Like him more....than Mateo," I covered. It wasn't necessarily a lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either.

"Uh huh," Liv sarcastically agreed. "So you don't think he has the prettiest eyes, softest hair, and the face of a god?"

"Who has pretty eyes, soft hair, and a face of a god?" Leo's voice rang. My face had flushed, giving Liv the answer she was looking for. I recomposed myself, hoping that my face at returned to its normal pale/tan skin tone.

"No one," I quickly replied. "What're you doing here?"

"Well, it is lunch break, and I'm hungry, so I'm here to eat lunch," he replied. I nodded before remembering the animal shelter volunteering thing.

"Hey, Leo. You wanna volunteer with me and Liv at the LA animal shelter? They're having an adoption festival this Saturday and need volunteers," I asked.

"I wish I could, but I can't. I have a radio interview in San Diego that day," Leo replied sadly.

"Oh," I trailed off, a little disappointed. "But hey! We have plenty of time to make memories considering I'm going to be on the show for the rest of the season!"

"True," Leo nodded, his smile returning.

"I need to use the bathroom," Liv excused.

"But didn't you go-"

"-I had a lot to drink, Sasha," she cut me off. I sent her small glare before turning back to Leo.

"I'm surprised you haven't gotten any interviews or radio calls yet," Leo broke the silence.

"How come?" I asked.

"Well, you are a rising Disney star and you're becoming Quinn on Kickin' It," he shrugged. "I'm just surprised, that's all." We continued to flow into conversation, barely noticing that Liv never returned from the bathroom.


I walked into the house quietly, not in the mood for a scolding. I mean, who would be? "There you are," my mother's unusually soft voice spoke as I passed the kitchen.

"Hi mom," I tentatively replied.

"Me and Aunt Cherry are going out for a girls' day this Saturday," my mom told me.


"I would like to warn you about a few rules. You are not to go out, you are to listen to Nicole, and you are not to boss Nicole around. She's going through a rough time thanks to you therefore she is allowed out," her spiteful, hatred voice came back.

"But, mom! This Saturday I was going to volunteer at the LA animal shelter for their adoption festival!" I exclaimed.

"Then cancel it. You are not going!" my mom shook her head. I walked upstairs frustratedly. She's not gonna stop me this time. I guess I'll just have to sneak out.

Envious // Leo HowardUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum