Glory had always been told she was beautiful. 

It was actually really annoying. Like her being pretty automatically meant that she was as dumb as a duck. 

Some witch had even invented a name for "people like her". 

RAINWINGS, they said, were the name for beautiful people. RAINWINGS were also stupid. 

luckily, her friends were not obsessed with weird things like that. Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight were like her family, and it was weird to other people that they were all friends, being in completely different cliques. 

Clay was just an all around nice guy. He never swore, was friends with everyone, and no one dared to pick on him or his friends. 

Tsunami was an athlete. Super cocky, but also genuinely better than everyone. 

Sunny was in the "save the turtles" "peace" "I love and appreciate you all" kind of clique. 

Starflight was a clear nerd. Super smart, but unfairly teased, his social status improved once people found out he was friends with "the group"

The group was what people called them. The height of popularity, which Glory had never once asked for at all. 

No one took time to see her snarky humor or nerdy intelligence. They couldn't look past her fricking silky hair or her weirdly-too-unnaturaly-green eyes. 

Maybe if she hadn't- She stopped that thought immediately. She was irrationally scared that by thinking that, someone could find out about that. 

No one could find out about that. 

It was her worst secret. The only things that made her stick out her fake smile and flirt with dead inside guys and pretend she was the dumb beauty everyone wanted her to be. 


Dirt on the Rainwing QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant