Rhodes: Look, I gotta change it every time you hack in, Tony.

Tony: It's not the 80s, nobody says 'hack' any more. Give me your login.

Then Rhodes said something that made him and Tony chuckle.

Rhodes: 'WAR MACHINE ROX' with an 'X,' all caps.

The men in the room with the Patriot started to chuckle at him but the Patriot just responded by aiming his mini gun at them shutting them all up, Tony let out a laugh as (Y/N) continued to smirk to himself.

Rhodes: Yeah, okay.

Tony: That is so much better than 'Iron Patriot.'

(Y/N): Agreed.

Tony: You should probably hold on.

(Y/N) did and Tony did a highly illegal U-turn and sped back the way they came, they parked up near a few news vans so Tony can use the heavy duty comm sat, they have in them, Tony grabbed a cowboy hat from somewhere as (Y/N)looked at him as he put it on, Tony shrugged at him as they both made there way to a van, that they just watched the driver walk away from, Tony and (Y/N) climbed into the van and Tony set up as (Y/N) sat on a chair and kicked his feet up and let Tony do his thing, (Y/N) then looked on one of the screens to see an elder man holding up a number 10 on a piece a card with a massive grin on his face.

(Y/N): Ha, legend.

Tony looked at where he was looking to see the cheerful old man, Tony smirked at him as well but, Tony needed to get stuff done, so Tony started to press buttons and unplug and plug in different cables, (Y/N) tested the connection and it was piss poor.

Tony: That ain't gonna cut it.

(Y/N) gave him a really look as the door to the van opened.

Guy: Excuse me, guys. I don't know who...

Tony spun around in his chair and put his finger to his lips, the guy's mouth fell open and Tony smiled at the guy as the guy ended his phone call.

Guy: Mom, I need to call you back. Something magical is happening.

The man hung up as Tony shushed him, (Y/N)just went back to watching the beauty pagent on one of the screens.

Guy: Tony Stark is in my van...

He then looked at (Y/N).

Guy: I don't know who you are.

(Y/N): Let's keep it that way.

(Y/N) said not looking away from the screen, Tony then told the guy.

Tony: Keep it down. Come on in. Close the door.

The guy stumbled his way into the van and closed the door behind him. The guy then went full fanboy.

Guy: Wow. Can I just say, sir...

Tony: Yep.

Guy: I am your biggest fan.

Tony: First, is this your van? Is anyone else gonna come in?

(Y/N) tapped Tony's shoulder then said.

(Y/N): The man literally said a few seconds ago that 'Tony Stark is in my van' so I'd say it's his van.

Guy: Yes, it's my van. Just us.

Tony: Great. What's your name?

Tony stood up and shook his hand, the guy shook it in return and said.

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