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   "What are we supposed to do? Shes kidnapped Matt Dad. She's brainwashed Taylor. She kicked Karma and Fortune out! We can't get Seven here. Matt what do we do!?"  Crayola seemed panicked.

   Matt paced in circles next to the enchanted border. "I don't know. Give me a moment to think. She doesn't need to get rid of the younger ones. If she kills Mum and the king right now she can take the throne because the kids are too young."

   "What is she going to do?!" Crayola asked panicky still.

   "I don't know!" Stars he wished Mattie were here, or Taylor. Or anyone who could deal with this better than him.

   Crayola and Matthieu both turned. "What in the world is that?" Crayola asked.

   "A summons..." Bells started to ring overhead. "A.... Wedding... summons..."

   "Matthieu–" Crayola sounded choked up.

   "Come on." Matthieu hissed dragging Crayola through the halls.

   So many Watchers were already here. The King and Queen sat upon the throne. The officiator was already there. Marine and Taylor were already there. Marine knew how to get what she wanted...

   "Matthieu... His necklace." Crayola murmured pushing to the front of the crowd. He tried to push forward. There was another glass like barrier.

   Matthieu put his hand against the glass and pushed. His hand phased through. He and Crayola shared a look.

   "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today before the great king James and Queen Charlene to witness a union. These two young ones have endured pain and strife–"

   Matthieu stared at his hand and concentrated. He phased through the barrier. He had to be fast.

   "Guards! catch him!" Marine commanded with the king echoing her words.

   Matthieu ducked under their arms and flew up. He shoved Marine away in the commotion. He grabbed the necklace and yanked. The chain snapped.

   Marine recovered and slammed Matthieu to the ground. Her shoe jabbed into his back. "Stay down." Her dress had melted into an inky black. Her eye whites went black as night.

   Matthieu still made a move to get out.

   "My enchants don't work on you but they do work on him." She lifted Peter into the air away from Mums side.


Lost: An Omniverse StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang