25: The Cooking Prince

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As for Clove, the king still didn't discover its underground operations, however, he has obliterated every CCTV copy of Meyer and Kao's fight. Clove was willing to comply, and in the process, they had removed all client benefits from Gavin and Kao for the reason that they brought possible chaos that could ruin their secret business. Gavin willingly parted with his shares. Normally, dismissed clients have their fair share of torture, but being royals, Clove didn't want to risk a backfire. Meyer, however, wasn't exempted from punishment. He suffered a few days as he was beaten up, and at one point, was given an iron burn and slash on his arm.

"We both have day offs tomorrow. What do you want to do?" Meyer pulled him on his lap, hugging the thin waist. The reddish scar that was a souvenir from Clove shone as he squeezed his boyfriend.

"Anywhere free. I can't even buy myself a burger." He said sadly. Whatever cash he had managed to take with him, he can't be spending on unnecessary things.

[AN: This is me right now.]

Meyer laughed. "Then I'll buy you a burger tomorrow. Do you want that?"

Gavin tapped his chin. "With lettuce and cheese?"

"Yeah, sure."

There was a knock on the door, and Meyer stood up. As a protocol, Zee advised them to install a peephole camera in case anyone in the palace would visit. When Meyer checked, it was one of his neighbors.

"Oh hi." Meyer said, opening the door slightly.

"Hi! I saw Prince Gavin arrive! I didn't know you two are close! Please give this to him, tell him that I myself made that." His female neighbor said excitedly while handing him a huge box. Meyer nodded and said thanks. As he closed the door, the girl was trying to check out where Gavin was, and when they caught each other's eyes, she waved before the door was slammed on her face.

"From one of your fans again." Meyer sighed, feeling annoyed. When the neighbors spotted him going in and out of the condo, there wasn't a day when Gavin hasn't received gifts. Like tonight, it was usually food. And since both of them can't cook, this is a very welcome gift.

"Cake!" Gavin squealed, taking the box and scooping out the whole round chocolate cake that was in it. He wasted no time in slicing and eating it. "Yummy!"

"You eat like a child. You like it that much?" Meyer frowned.

"It tastes good!"

"Yeah, the neighbor girl gave it to you."

"Tell her thanks!"

"No I won't. What if they keep giving presents huh?"

"And why is that an issue? Isn't that great? Free food for us?"

Meyer scoffed. He hated that every girl in the building was trying to flirt with Gavin. And as if it wasn't enough, some men were trying to engage him in conversation too whenever they spot him in the elevator or the hallway. He, Gavin and Zee came up with the excuse that Gavin is currently practicing socialism, and that the prince wants to experience it without help from royals. Everybody was convinced and impressed.

"We can't keep receiving stuff like this Gavin. I forbid you to talk to anyone of them."

Gavin snorted on his cake. "Forbid? Who told them I was practicing socialism huh? Your neighbors are nice, why should I ignore them?"

"If you don't know then I won't tell you!" Meyer said stubbornly.

They were interrupted with the door opening. They both panicked, but it was just Zee, coming in looking tired.

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