"Well we're heading to Bad and Skeppy's house today- Do you know if they're home Sapnap? We just need to ask them a few questions," The hybrid mentioned and Sapnap looked at the three with a raised eyebrow. He was very protective over family and it was something that he highly believed in. Even George and Antfrost looked a little uptight at the mention of the two adult's names. Bad and Skeppy were practically almost everyone's non biological parent... Now that they were asking about Sapnap's dads he couldn't help but wonder what they wanted from the two adults. Ranboo was immediately scared by the other teen's look and tried to find something else to say. He didn't mean for what he said to come off as bad or anything- When he couldn't get any more words out Sapnap decided to answer a question with a question.

"What do you want from my dads? You aren't planning to harm them are you?" Sapnap asked and Ranboo stuttered a bit in fear as Sapnap leaned forward. Sapnap can be very scary when he wanted to be and at that moment his face seemed to glow even brighter than before. Ranboo immediately threw both his hands up in the air, scared that Sapnap was going to come at him with a fireball or something. But before Sapnap could even react George put a hand on his shoulder. The teen looked back at his friend and then back at the three people in front of him and sighed...

"Sorry- I didn't mean to scare you guys at all... I- Dang it... I've- I mean... All three of us have been pretty on edge after Dream left. It's just been so quiet so just- I just want to know what you're planning to ask them... It's just- What would you want from my parents? They didn't do anything wrong did they? You don't even know them that well and they don't seem like the type to do anything wrong... Especially Bad. Maybe not so much Skeppy... But still," Sapnap explained and the three nodded. Antfrost and George were internally happy that their friend didn't explode or anything, Sapnap having a long history with his short temper. Usually things ended in arson whenever Sapnap was ticked off.

"Actually this isn't a government matter of any sort... It's actually a personal one- I just want to talk to them even if it's for a few minutes. Just a friendly conversation. So violence needed," Tubbo started as he stepped forward and Sapnap was even more curious as he titled his head to the side. Bad and Skeppy had never really been that close to Philza's family, the two families only meeting when they had joined the Dream SMP. Tubbo cleared his throat one more time before speaking, his hands fidgeting at his sides. He didn't know why he was nervous... Was he scared of learning the truth? Maybe- But he really couldn't put his finger on the problem. So he just took in a deep breath and dug his nail into his palm to ground himself.

"I- I was adopted by Philza a long time ago as you probably know and I just- Since Bad and Skeppy adopted multiple kids in the past I was wondering if they had any idea about who my family was before I was handed off to Philza... And before you say anything! I know that Skeppy and Bad didn't know me back then and I know that I probably should be asking Philza about family stuff- But Philza doesn't know much about this and I know I used to have a brother. Ranboo even said that he should still be alive today and should be somewhere out there! So maybe Bad and Skeppy took in my brother and know where he is? I just want to meet one person who was a part of my original family... But I understand if you can't help me..." and with that George, Sapnap, and even Antfrost looked at each other in question. This time Antfrost approached the younger set of teen's, the hybrid looking down at Tubbo.

"Hey Tubbo?" Antfrost called out and the small teen let out a hum and looked up at the older cat hybrid. "Can we um... Can we see the picture you have? The one of your family? You mentioned having on right?" Antfrost asked and Tubbo immediately nodded. Ranboo and Fundy shared a look behind Tubbo, wondering what the three were going to do with the photo. Before handing it over Tubbo apologized for the picture being ripped, Antforst telling him that it was all ok. Tubbo placed the picture in Antfrost's paw and the hybrid took a long look at it, his eyes widening as he did. He backed up a bit so George and Sapnap could have a look at it. Sapnap looked over the cat's shoulder while George just stood next to Antfrost, all of them looking at the photo. George pointed at the picture at some moments and there were other times where Sapnap pointed out the ripped edges of the photo. But they all spoke so quietly and the three younger teens in front of them couldn't hear what they were saying.

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