Glancing at the books beside the dais Mo Yuan was sitting on, Di Juns gave him a questioning look. "Is everything alright? You've been here all day." he asked taking a seat on the same dais beside him.

"Mn." he nodded. "I have a little mystery to solve, so I came here to see if I could find an answer." Mo Yuan replied honestly and now that Di Jun was there, he actually welcomed the visit. If anyone would have an answer, it would be this man.

"Then perhaps I can be of assistance." he replied looking at him and wondering what had the War God stumped. Mo Yuan did not normally struggle over mysteries and nor would he sit in his library for six hours trying to solve one either, so either the man had actually did have an unsolvable mystery which he definitely wanted to know about, or he was tired. He surmised both by the way Mo Yuan briefly went into himself.

He really didn't have any qualms in asking Di Jun about the girl, but he was little hesitant, because what he was about to ask for a favour, which he never liked to ask for, especially from this man. Di Jun was known to call in favours at the most inopportune times and they always hurt in one way or the other.

Sighing, he decided in the end, that it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Are you aware of a spell or magic capable of allowing a Mortal into our world unseen and unheard?"

Looking away briefly, Di Jun contemplated on the question. He was aware of many spells that allowed a Mortal into their world, but every High God he knew of would see through it. Turning his head to look at him, Mo Yuan knew the answer before he even spoke.

"I am not."

"Alright. Do you know of a magic that would allow a Mortal to appear in apparition form?"

Frowning a little, Di Jun was now gaining an inkling into why Mo Yuan was looking tired and suddenly he too felt exhausted just thinking what on earth was going on. An apparition suggested the Mortal was not real, a figment of the imagination, only the question was from Mo Yuan, and he did not ask stupid or irrelevant question. So now his interest was definitely peaked.

"I do not."

"And what if I told you a Mortal girl has been visiting my mountain in apparition form yet I am the only one who can see and hear her?"

The eye brows rose several degrees at this. In fact, Di Jun was absolutely flabbergasted which no one had rendered him in years. Only, alook of absolute truth met his incredulous gaze and suddenly the excitement rose. If there was indeed a Mortal passing through the veil unseen and unheard by everyone else but Mo Yuan and he had not yet figured out how she was doing it, then she was a security issue. One he had to know about.

"I would very much like the opportunity to see her for myself" he eventually replied once the astonish wore off.

"I am glad, because an invitation was my next question." Mo Yuan nodded at him with a small grin.


It was almost midnight when Ye Yu arrived on his mountain and this time in the garden he had first taken her too. She loved the temple and his study, but she loved the outdoors more and his garden was beautiful.

It was a simple circular shaped garden with a good mix of flowers, a few statues, a hammock and three benches. Surrounding the enclosure, was a small cluster of peach trees in once corner and a high hedge covered in ivy blooming with little white flowers. In terms of landscaping, it was simple, but very peaceful.

Sitting at the feet of the small statue of Buddha, while lightly tapping at the beautiful lilies dancing about on the water beneath his feet, she didn't notice the arrival of the two men, until Mo Yuan greeted her with the same soft welcome and tender smile.

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