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It's been two months sense I've found ray and Emma

Emma's still her cheerful self
And rays still ray.

Me and him are currently cuddling in my room

We've been dating sense we were nine.

I've been laying here just looking at my adorable boyfriend while he sleeps

Wow that sounds creepy. But, when you've been not just dating but friends with someone for so long nothings that creepy.

After looking at ray for at least another twenty minutes my eyes started to feel heavy and I fell asleep

"Ug" I say kinda of confused at the sound that just woke me up

I look down at the boy on my chest

He was curled in a ball coughing.

"Ray! Are you ok?!"I yell sitting up putting my hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"I'm fine go back to sleep it's four in the fucking morning" he replies trying to push my hand away

"You not fine! Now lay back I'll get some medicine" I said practically pushing him back down and getting up
When  I got back into our room ray looked even worse.

"Ray do you think we should call a doctor you look really bad"I say putting the medicine and towel down on our side table

" are you saying I look ugly" Ray says pouting

Fuck that's adorable. Wait Norman what the fuck he's sick!

"No your fucking adorable we've been over this. I'm saying you currently look like a zombie because of how sick you are. Now take this" I say passing ray the medicine.

"No" "yes" "no" "yes "n-"

I cut ray off by shoving the spoon in his mouth

"Eww" Ray gags

"I'm sorry but it'll make you feel better" I say grabbing the smaller boy and pulling him into my chest

"Good night ray"


Y'all I am so so sorry I didn't update sooner I had so much going on this weekend.

Norray (Norman x ray) one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang