Alive but Dead

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I wake up to the sound of a police officer tapping on my window. What the fuck happened last night? And why the fuck is my head pounding with the force of a thousand jackhammers. The tapping continues until I roll down my window.

"Yes officer?"

"Ma'am, I'm going to need to see your license and registration." He gets to the point quick.

I rummage around my car to find my license and pull the registration from the glove compartment. I hand it to him knowing that I'm fucked.

"I'll be right back with these." He says before walking back to his patrol car.

I find my phone and see that it's completely dead. Great... I turn my key in the ignition just so I can charge it enough to check my messages. They come rolling in.

4 missed calls from Parker
15 missed texts from Parker
8 missed calls from Mom
27 missed texts from Mom
1 missed call from Dad

I am in so much shit. A missed call from my mom is punishable, but a missed call from my dad is going to be hell. I skip the messages and listen to the voicemail that my dad left.

"I'm on my way home. Your ass better be there by the time I get there."

I check the time he left it, 4:38 am. Okay, that means he'll be home in two hours. I have plenty of time to get home and come up with a plan to get myself out of trouble.

"Ma'am, here's your license and registration. I'm going to have to ask you to come with me, this car was reported stolen this morning." He says, handing me my things.

"No, this is my car."

"Is your name Jackie Grey?" He raises a brow at me, knowing he just ran my drivers license through the system.

I sigh and get out of the car and this prick has the audacity to cuff me. I was going to go willingly but damn...

The ride to the station is riddled with radio conversation coming across the speakers with the occasional 10-4 spoken through the walkie. Once we're there, the officer helps me out of the back and begins processing me, taking my finger prints and getting an oh-so-lovely still hungover from last night mugshot. The officer contacts my parents, letting them know where I am. I'm placed in a holding cell until my parents can come and get me.

I wait.

For hours.

The lights in the station dim as day shift transfers over to the night shift crew. I peek at the clock on the wall across from the holding cell, 7:32 pm. My dad should have been home around noon... and then it hits me.

No one is coming.

I pull my knees to my chest and pick at the hole in my jeans making it exponentially bigger than it already was. Honestly, I don't even want to go home anymore. I don't even want to see Morgan either. I was so fucking stupid to even go out last night.

All I want is to be sitting in Layla's office just talking. That's the one place where I feel safe, where I'm not judged, and deep down I'm mad that I won't get to see her this week because she decided to marry some douchebag named Zave.

"Grey, someone's here to pick you up!" An officer says as he unlocks the cell.

I step out to see my dad with his hands in his pockets and a glare that could kill. He grabs my arm harshly and leads me outside.

"Get in the truck." He says, his tone firm. I climb in and we drive in silence for a bit, in the wrong direction of home.

"Do you have any idea of how pissed I am with you Hays? Do you have any idea what it's like getting a call from your mother saying she can't fucking find you? I left my job two weeks early because you decided to go out with your friends... I know your friends are responsible, so do you wanna tell me who the fuck you were really with or do you want me to guess because I have a pretty good fucking clue." He rants as he pulls into the parking lot of where I left the car.

"Morgan." I mumble out.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that, speak up." He orders.

"I was out with Morgan." I say a little louder.

"Mhmm... and why were you out with Morgan?" He asks as he puts the truck in park.

"She was just getting off of work and wanted to see me." I remain vague, not wanting to disclose any more that I already have.

He remains silent for a moment, as if he's trying to gather his thoughts. "You are going to drive straight home and I'm going to follow you. When we get home, the car keys and the phone are mine until you've earned the right to have them. No car, no phone, no friends. The only places you're going to go while I'm home for the next month are you school and your therapy appointments, both of which I will be driving you to. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" He grits through his teeth.

"Yes sir." I say aloud, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Get in the car and drive home." He orders.

I do as I'm told and the moment I step in the front door my mom opens her mouth to scold me and I know my dad is walking right behind me giving her 'the look'. The one where he's handled it and that's it. I feel him nudge my shoulder and I turn around to see him holding his hand out. I give him my keys and pull my phone out of my back pocket, handing him that too.

"Room, now. I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

a/n: ooooo Hayden got in troubleeee 👀

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