Chapter 12 - Feyre

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The woman was staring at Rhys.

"You," she almost whispered.

"I'm glad you got home." Rhys replied, giving her a smile.

"Fireheart, you know this man?" The male next to Nehemiah asked.

"He helped me get home, when I forged the lock." Her eyes filled with tears.

"Feyre, you should come and see my city!" Nehemiah was grinning at me.

"I would love to, it's only fair as you saw mine." I smiled at her.

"I think some introductions are in order love." The silver haired male was smiling at her.

"Right, mum, dad, this is the Night Court, Feyre, High Lady and Rhys, High Lord, they are both like you. Cassian, General of the armies, Azriel, Spymaster and Mor, third in command. Night Court these are my parents, Aelin Ashvyer Whitehorn Galathynius and my father Rowan Whitehorn Galathynius." She grinned again.

"Why do you all have such long names?" Mor asked from next to me, "I thought Feyre's full name was long enough." I elbowed her.

Aelin chuckled, "You know, I ask myself the same thing, signing papers gets extremely tedious."

"Come inside, you can meet the rest of our court." Rowan said, slipping an arm around his daughters waist.

We were led into a small sitting room.

"Uncle Aedion, Aunt Lysandra, Uncle Fenrys!" Nehemiah looked super exited, I turned to Fenrys.

"So, you are the male that excels in pissing people off." I said, a small smile on my face, he turned on Nehemiah.

"Is that really all you said about me you little monkey!" He lifted her up and swung her around, she squealed.

"She was comparing him to Cassian." I chuckled.

"Feyre!" Cassian half snapped at me.

"You know, Feyre is right, you excel in pissing everyone you meet off." Mor chimed in, eyes sparkling.

"Where is Aunt Elide and Uncle Lorcan?" Nehemiah asked frowning.

"They went back to Perrenth yesterday" Aelin told her.

"Oh." She looked sad.

"If it is alright with your parents and the two of them, I could go and grab them." I said with a wink.

"Oh yeah, Fenrys your power has a name!" Nehemiah laughed.

"Winnowing." I told him when he looked at me confused.

"If Nehemiah can fly me there, I can bring them back." I said, looking at the king and queen.

"I don't see why not." Aelin was smiling.

We both shifted into owls and Aelin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she will have to explain her powers when she gets back," Rhys laughed.

We flew out of the window and soared over her city before Nehemiah dove and landed outside a manor set next to a mountain.

"Aunt Elide, Uncle Lorcan, are you home?" Nehemiah called out into the house.

"Nehemiah, we must contact your parents at once they are worried sick." A woman said, appearing in front of us.

"It's all right we just came from the palace, Feyre is going to winnow us back." Nehemiah said smiling.

"Is your husband coming?" I asked the woman smiling at her.

"Yes, I'm coming." A male snapped from the doorway.

"Right, everyone hold hands and don't let go, I don't want to leave you behind." I instructed as I gripped Nehemiah's hand and winnowed us all back to the palace.

We landed exactly where we had been before.

"Well, that was quick," Aelin commented.

"I may have shifted the wind to help with flying." I admitted.

"Gods, how many powers do you have?" She asked.

"Quite a few, I got the powers of all of the High Lords when they resurrected me after an evil queen tortured me then snapped my neck, that day was not one of my best." I replied, sitting in Rhys's lap.

"I know how you feel, I didn't quite get to the dying part, but I was also tortured by an evil queen." Aelin replied, Fenrys shifted slightly closer to her.

"I met Deanna mum, let's just say I now know you weren't exaggerating when you told me the stories." Nehemiah told her mother from where she was sat in between Elide and Lysandra.

"Did she hurt you at all?" Aelin asked, eyes narrowing.

"No, I held and ice dagger to her throat for a while and yelled at her for some things. she was the one who helped me get home so you can't really stay mad at her." Nehemiah reassured her mother.

"You know she should be dead." Aelin muttered as she sat back once more.

"Well, I for one am glad she isn't because if she had died, we would all most likely be dead." I cut in.

"Do I even want to know?" Aelin asked.

"She singlehandedly killed an entire army and saved all of our asses in the process." Cassian told her.

"Like you can talk, you didn't see it because you had your guts hanging out after you insisted on fighting!" Rhys snapped at him.

"It's not my fault Nesta came up with a stupid plan." Cassian grumbled.

"Gods, they sound like us!" Rowan sighed.

"They are dad, Mor is like Aunt Lysandra, Feyre is like mum, Rhys is like you, Cassian is like Uncle Fenrys and Uncle Aedion and Azriel is like Uncle Lorcan." Nehemiah said with a grin.

'Why did Nehemiah fall into our world in the first place?' I asked Rhys.

'I don't know, I've been wondering the same thing.' He said frowning at me.

'There has to be a reason' I replied.

"What are you two mind talking about now?" Mor asked sarcastically.

"Why Nehemiah fell into our world." I said.

"I've been wondering the same thing." Aelin said frowning.

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