Chapter 1 : The 1st Chapter

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When you heard your next match was taking place at Red Church, you breathed a sigh of relief. The match you had just been in took place in Golden Cave, against Dream Witch. Plus Norton was there, and you could tell he was on the verge of a mental breakdown the entire time you guys were playing. All in all, you guys got destroyed. Luckily, not only did you get Red Church, but Eli was apart of your team. You guys had been best friend ever since you first came to the manor, since Eli arrived first. He was very sociable, kind, hard-working, open-minded, could go on all day, but the main highlight of your relationship was that you got to see Brooke Rose more than any other survivor.

As you spawned next to the cipher machine near the front gate, you started decoding right away, not even noticing the camera a few feet away from you as it went off. Judging on the way it looked, you guys were dealing with vampire Joseph. Great. Joseph is relatively hard to deal with most of the time, and the fact this Joseph had a vampire motif going on was a little creepy to you.
Joseph started by downing Eli's mirrored version. Weirdly enough, he stopped when he was downed, not chairing him, despite having more than enough time in the photo world. As you were decoding, you saw Eli run towards you, sweat starting to bead on his forehead.
"Eli, did you just run across the entire map?" you asked, not even looking away from the cipher machine.
Catching his breath, he nodded.
"Why didn't you run to Luca or Martha? They're both on your side of the map,"
"Right, but it's good to get as far away from my mirrored version as possible. Plus, I only want you to heal me," he smiled.
A shade of red colored your cheeks as you focused - or, well, tried to focus on the cipher. Did he just...flirt with you? What about his fiancee? Or did he accept the fact that we're probably all going to die in this god forsaken manor and there's no point in waiting for someone who probably already thinks you're dead?
In any case, you rushed to Eli's side as he fell to the ground.
"Oh my god, what did he do to my neck?" Eli winced, fingers grazing over his now exposed neck.
"Let me see," you ran your index and middle finger over his neck, not noticing your friend's blush. "There's..nothing here,"
"Really? I guess it doesn't matter. Just heal me,"
"Already on it."

"The hunter has changed target! Beware!" screamed your little walkie-talkie. A message from Luca. You were only half done healing Eli when Joseph walked over to you two, blood dripping down his lips. He smiled at the sight of Eli, ignoring you as you ran away. To both of your suprise, instead of ballooning him, Joseph simply lifted Eli up and bit into his neck. When Brooke Rose tried to peck at Joseph, he activated excitement and continued.
Hastily searching through a nearby chest, you found a gun similar to Martha's.
"Joseph! What are you doing?!" You shouted, pointing your gun at him. Brooke Rose flew over to you and landed on your shoulder.
The photographer stopped and licked the blood off his lips. "I need blood to stay alive, (monsieur/mademoiselle). I thought his photo copy would work, but it didn't. Dearest apologies, moniseur." He stood up, finally ballooning Eli. Right after you shot him, you instinctively grabbed his hand, kiting Joseph together, until he finally gave up.

vampire! eli clark x reader (nsfw)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant