Prologue/ Description

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Description part:


No one has ever seen her outside of a cement block with one window for her to look out of. Her parents died mysteriously when she was 8 and after that was looked after by scientists and high-standing police officers. No one knows what quirk she has or if she even has one. Nobody knows anything about y/n, but she somehow got into UA by recommendation. Y/n is going to learn how to control this quirk when she's in UA and learn how to become a hero. Little does everyone know how strong y/n is. She doesn't have one or two quirks, but an unknown amount

Prologue part:


A nickname I got called all the time. My peers and people outside of my house have only seen me in this cement box with one-sided glass for me to see out of. I got to see the world in dull gray colors. 

I was going to go to school this week, but Jeff said I shouldn't just in case I had a crazy teacher who made me get out of the box. I wish someone did. Though Jeff and Tam say it could be absolutely terrible for me if I did. I'm just tired of being in my box. I know they aren't my parents, but they took me in. 

Jeff and Tam though aren't just regular adoptive parents. They're also scientists and they do tests on me every so often. I did notice as soon as I was supposed to start going to school both Jeff and Tam came and did test's on me. It wasn't on their regular schedule and I don't understand why they keep trying. The results are always the same, nothing. 

I don't even know how I got into the school I did. UA, it's unbelievable. Granted I'm a recommendation. I'm surprised I was taken I have nothing to show I'm not quirkless. I don't have the bone structure of other people with quirks, but I have something because why else would my parents leave me if I didn't need specialists to look after me constantly. I guess it doesn't matter now since I've already gotten in. Now I can become a hero and hopefully come out of my box. 

I get in the tub and lay my head back with a sigh and close my eyes. Drowsiness started to slowly hit me overtaking my body to drift off to sleep. 


"yyyy..../nnnnn...." A female voice weakly says, "Pppll...eeaasse... Bbbee...cccooomme.... a.. hhee...rroo," The voice finishes before a faint groan is heard from the voice followed by silence. 


I gasp awake. Breathing a little heavily. After a few deep breaths, I calm down a bit. I lay back down and look up at the ceiling, "I will mom," I say quietly.  I don't really know if that is my mom, but I feel like it's something my mom would say. 

I finish my bath and proceed to get dressed in some PJs. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep.... Sleep..... Sleep.... I try to bore myself to sleep, but I know it doesn't work like that. Just wait and I'll know it'll happen. I feel the sleep spell start to take over my body taking me to the dream world.


My eyes open slowly. "Hello, there project 60345," A man's voice says to me. 

As I breath it feels like a thousands of pounds weigh down my chest and lugs making it hard to breath. I feel drained of any energy, but Why? I lazily move my head to the side to look around. I squint my eys to better see my suroundings, but my vision is to blurry and hazy to see exact objects. I see a white blob by the wall in a chair probably at a table. He's murmering to himself incoherantly. I turn my head back to the ceiling the white lights burn into my eyes, forcing me to close them. I open them slowly till the light stops buring into my eyes.

Washed out footsteps come closer to me. "Well project 60345. It's the last day before we pull the plug on you, so please let's wake up. You're too far along to die now,"  The man said to me.

A groan escape my lips fighting to stay consitrated on this man. He jumps back a step gasping. "It's awake!" He says and then runs away.

Shortly after his footsteps stop their is claning and baning. He did things to me I didn't understand or could really comprehend what he was doing. He hooked my up to this stuff to check on me. Once he stoped he chuckled, "Now I can move onto the next phase," He sounded evil causing a panic start to rise in me. 

He walks back over with something in his hand and he smiled down at me. The light making his face black his glasses shined where the light could hit them in the corner. "You'll be the first to try this one project 60345. You should feel special." 

I feel a small sting in my arm. The sting started to feel worse and worse going up my arm and taking over my body. I scream in pain as I feel my blood throbbing want to burst out my veins out of my skin.

I look back at him and he has another thing and sticks me with it again. All I saw was him smiling like a maniac pleased with my pain. I feel myself fading away as the pain grew and my voice was no longer able to scream in pain. A loud noise then interrupts him from putting yet another thing in me he panics and does it quickly and then he was grabbed by other people. I heard people yelling and talking, but what they were saying was unknown to me it was just white noise to my ears. I saw him chuckling and laughing saying something as he was dragged out of the room.

The look on his face that white evil smile and the shine in his classes stays in my head haunting my brain. "I'll kill you! To get the results my boss wants!" I hear his voice sounding no longer sane his words laced with evil intensions. 


I wake up again. "Damn nightmares again..." I mumbled to myself as I stare at the ceiling now feeling wide awake. I look over at my clock to see it read 1:05 am. I groan and lay in bed. "I got school tomorrow and my head won't stop with these dumbass nightmares and let me sleep." I mummle again to myself.

I guess the first day is going to have to be the worst again.


Hello and welcome to my book it's under some editing at the moment, so if you've read it once you might want to re-read it because I've made changes, not necessarily to the storyline, but to the flow of the book so it's not so rough. Please do note I'm not the best at grammar or spelling so if there are any of those errors anywhere could you tell me just so I can fix it and the book is smother. Also, tell me what you think I'd like feedback so I can make this book awesome. I hope y'all have a nice time reading more of this book and I'll talk to you in the next chapter. 

KB out.

Also, I know it might be stupid to have an unknown amount of quirks, but it'll come into play later in the story. This is my own universe (I can't remember if it's called that or not, but now it is called that because I'm the writer) of MHA and I have a little different storyline I want to follow, so deal with it.

KB actually out now.

-Words 1318-

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