Chapter 5~ last concert

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Louis's POV

"Mate, are you okay? You seem out of it." Liam asked Harry. I looked at the boy, who was stareing out the car window. I feel bad for him. first, that bitch, Kayla, kills him and 'Jennifer' dances on his grave.

I mean why would you agree to never see someone again! Harry is the kind of chap that falls for every girl so easily. "I'm fine." He rasped out. "Are we almost at the concert?"

"I think so," Zayn said from the back seat, " are u guys pumped?!" He shouted.

"Of course I am! Last concert then three months off! Where should we go for vacation?" Niall asked jumping out of his seat.

"Why don't we play it by ear?" Liam suggested. I wasn't following the conversation. I just watched as my best mate stared out at the world that treats him like shit. He didn't have a lot of fight left and I know he is one broken heart away from snapping.

The only time he backed away from the window is when the screaming became loud enough to be close by. The last thing we need is for the fans to know what car we are in.


Savannah's POV

My ears rang with the sound of preteens killing their voices. I'm gonna be deaf by the time I see Jason. I mean Harry. That name is gonna take some getting used to. " OMG!" Melissa yelled over the fan girls," listen to their conversations!!"

Behind me I listened to the 14 year old blondes. The tall one was complaining "I want that shirt with niall's face on it!" Niall. That was the blonde one, I think.

"Oh the dirty things I would do to that leprechaun!" The short one exclaimed.

I let out a huge laugh! Melissa was legit rolling on the floor. All of sudden the lights dimmed and a countdown appeared on the huge flat screen. We weren't that far from the stage. Maybe a few rows. The screams some how got louder. I wasn't sure that was humanly possible but the girls managed to do it. This is gonna be a long concert.


Harry POV

I love being on stage. It helps me forget real life and just have fun. We were nearly done with the concert. Liam announce that our last songs will be summer love, then, kiss you.

Niall starts his verse and I look up to the audience. I love watching the exciting faces. I look a few rows up an freeze. It can't be. There is no possible way that she is here. Jenn. My Jennifer.

"Harry sing boy!" Zayn whispered in my ear. I snapped back to reality and notices I missed my half my verse. I belted out the rest, "promise that you won't for get we had it all!" I cross the stage to Paul. Liam gives me his 'are you crazy' face and keeps dancing.

"Harry! What the hell are u doing? Get back out there!!" Paul's frantic voice screamed. I brought Paul our on stage and he froze not knowing what to do.

"See that girl? The one with the blue sparkly tanks top." I pointed at her. "Go get her for me."

Paul stared at me for a moment as if to check if I was serious. I was. He ran off stage. And ran back to the center with the other boys.


Sorry this was short guys! I was in a hurry.

Stay golden xx

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