41. Ring of Fire

299 46 89

Song of the chapter is In Flames by Digital Daggers

-Saina Arora-

-41--Saina Arora--Present-

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Wentworth Woods
11 December, 2019
7:13 pm


Ahaan's voice brought me out of the trance I was in. I took a step forward towards them. They had a terrified look on their face.

I choked a sob.

Veronica rushed to my side in an instant. "Saina, are you okay?"

I looked at her in amazement. Her first instinct after seeing me here wasn't doubt or accusing. It was concern. My heart immediately clutched at the thought of how I had been so eager to paint her as a suspect few days ago. I gulped and held her hand.

" I'm fine."

She sighed and hugged me while the others kept looking at us with doubts in their minds. As we parted, Himanshu asked from behind, " Saina, what are you doing here?"

I looked at him and then at Veronica again. " I came looking for answers."

" How did you know about this cabin?" Zoya asked curiously.

" I didn't." I said, stepping down from the last porch step. " I came here.... because this...place....it reminds me of him." I choked back a sob. " We used to hike up here sometimes, me and Avi. It was a temporary refuge from the chaos that was our world."

Veronica looked at me empathically while the rest exchanged concerned glances.

" I came across this trail of dry blood on my hike up here. So I followed it and it led me to this cabin. I was curious, so I went inside." I said, as the tears burned in the back of my eye.
"And I found...."

" We know. We came here the day.... Avinash... died." Himanshu said, in a soft voice. My eyes glistened but I composed myself.

" We actually came back here to see if we can find something more." Ahaan added.

I nodded.

" Saina, you don't have to come with us if you don't want. We would completely understand-" Veronica began as I interrupted. "No,... I'll come with you guys. I want some answers too."

Veronica looked at me doubtfully but then nodded slightly. "Okay, as you wish."

Together, we entered the cabin. The rusty wooden smell lingered in the air. We shone our mobile flashlights at each and every corner of the cabin room. The old flyers whiskered with the slightest wind coming in through the cracks of the windows.

" I and Saina will take the second floor." Veronica said to the rest. "You guys check in here, okay?"

They nodded. Veronica and I exchanged glances before proceeding upstairs. The floorboards creaked under the impact of our shoes. The stairs landed us in a dark abyss. The hallway was dimly lighted with only the glow of the yellow light bulb helping us see our pathway.

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