Bertholdt: he going back into the fight to by us time

I watched as he aligned with three titans that were in a row clawing at the tower. He grappled onto the first one and started to spin he cut its nape and quickly move to the next then the next.

Connie: damn he fast

Reiner: how is he that fast?

Christa: he told me he was training with captain Levi

We watched as his blades broke instead of switching them out, he brought his arms back and threw the blades into a titans eyes before quickly killing it.

Ymir: Connie do you still have that knife

Connie: ya why? What are you going to do with it?

I handed it to her

Ymir: fight

She ran and jumped off the tower and cut her hand there was a bright flash

(Y/n's POV)

Their was a bright flash I knew that flash it was the same one that happens when eren transformed. I quickly not wanting to be near a titan shifter because I don't know if they had control over it. When I landed I saw Ymir wasn't there. So it was Pretty obvious who the titan shifter was.

Y/n: Ymir is the titan shifter isn't she

Christa: how did you -

Y/n: it is pretty obvious she the only one not here.

Christa: are you going to help her

Y/n: only if she needs it. Looks like she's doing fine

We watched as Ymir fought of the titans. It was Pretty obvious that she was trying to protect the tower, and was losing because of it.

Christa: if your going to die protecting this tower the. Rip it down.

Ymir's titan looked up then jumped onto the tower ripping chunks of bricks out. The tower started to fall

Connie: she really doing it huh.

Ymir's titan jumped up to us

Ymir's titan: get on if you want to live.

We all grabbed onto her hair as she rode the tower down onto the titans. After the tower collapsed we were all o the ground. The titans started to rise up again.

Connie: hey ugly you got a job to finish

She quickly went off to kill the titan as she bite its nape more rises up and grabbed her and started to eat her.

Christa: y/n please help her

Y/n: already planning on it.

I took off using the little grappled point to get there I quickly attacked the first titan cutting its nape, then moved onto the second titan. As I was about to kill other I heard odm gear.

Hanji: clear out the area and help the cadets

I quickly landed and let the scouts do the work. Hanji landed next to me.

Hanji: you did well y/n

Y/n: thank Hanji, when can I sleep?

Hanji laughed at my question

Hanji: when we get back to hq

Y/n: ok I haven't slept in 3 days

(Timeskip on top of wall rose

We were all on top of wall rose discussing the situation of the wall as well as Ymir. I heard someone scream

Sasha: Y/N

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope your day or night is going well and goodbye everyone)

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