A Familiar Face

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Created by Man of Action.
Written by Zigwolf
Directed by Kevfilms2x2

Within the middle of a forest, there is a facility. Upon closer look, there is a shield insignia indicating this facility belongs to the forever knights. Only this one has a horse on it. Within the facility, forever king STALLON enters a room full of five ships.

(Walks into a room with escort)
Are they ready yet?

They are still in their testing phase, weapons are functional. But the engines are not.

This is a fine work you have done. Soon the forever knights will be unstoppable with its new fleet of warships.

As CHADWICK is about to make a remark, suddenly a large shadowy figure bursts through the facility. The knights rush in to attack the large figure, but it ignores all the shots and heads for the ships. It soon envelopes itself as many appendages reach out and starts tearing the ships to pieces and applies all the chunked parts into its mouth. It then flies away, leaving nothing but scrapped metal. Furious, STALLON demands the situation that happened as many put out the fire and recover the injured.

What was that thing!

No idea sir, but it took all the parts from the ships I've built.

STALLON grabs CHADWICK by his throat, lifting his body with such incredible strength.

Can you make more!

I could, but we require materials for them!

(Clutches CHADWICK's throat)
What kind of materials.

Just.....A power generator.....without it, you have nothing for your warship.

STALLON drops CHADWICK as he regains his breath.

I promise you my lord, I will make it bigger than before. It will just require more work and materials.

Yet I spent most of my resources on this project!! Where am I supposed to find this power source?

STALLON is then contacted by his knights.

What is it?

My lord, we have been spying on this SACT convoy. They seem to be carrying two crates of power generators. What are your orders?

It seems this day has favored me this time, go after the crates. Bring me those power generators at once!

Meanwhile in the city of Bellwood, BEN, GWEN, and COOPER head towards MAX's plumber shop.

It's a good thing grandpa is taking you in while we search for your grandpa.

(Pats his own belly)
Yeah, I mean who's going to be the one to feed this guy.

You may not want to eat anything our grandpa cooks, his cooking would make your vomit's vomit...twice

Oh come on, Max's cooking can't be that bad.

As the trio walks inside the shop, MAX openly greets them as he closes down the shop.

Hey kiddies what's up, are you guys ready to eat? I'm making my special recipe, "Max's Special".

The Trio head towards the supply room, as MAX opens up a touchscreen behind the wall. MAX presses his hand on it as the touchscreen starts scanning. The touchscreen glows a lightish blue as it opens up, revealing a secret headquarters.

MAX heads towards the kitchen section, and pulls out a bunch of frozen tentacles and eyesballs.

Guy's ready to eat "Max's Special?" I'm about to cook this.

The trio shake their heads, completely uninterested.

No thanks grandpa, I brought marshmallows instead.

(Places it in a cooking bin)
Suit yourselves, more for me

As MAX starts cooking his meal, the trio sits down as BEN hands out his marshmallows to GWEN and COOPER.

Okay, I stand corrected. Good thing you brought marshmallows, I brought smoothies.

COOPER goes into his vest pocket, revealing a Mr. Smoothie. COOPER plugs in a straw as he drinks the smoothie.

(Drinks and burps)
You guys want some?

Thanks, but I'll pass.

Besides, I don't like that disgusting stuff.

Come on, it aint that bad. Besides, it's no worse than what Max offered.

(Same time)
I'll say

Hours pass as everyone tells stories while eating. MAX comes with his cooked meal as he rolls his wheelchair next to GWEN

Come on guys? You sure you don't want any?

The Trio shake their heads

Okay, more for me

So Ben, what crazy stories have you heard during these years?

(Shrugs shoulders)
Eh, just heard some rumors about some sewer monster......

And when did you start hearing that?

Recently, after I started working in that hero buddy nonsense.

Funny, didn't those rumors come from the day you killed Vilgax?

(Ponders and thinks)
Hmmmmm......Never really thought about that.....last time I ever saw him, he was cremated to smithereens.

MAX soon pauses as BEN said that. Then rolls his wheelchair towards BEN.

Guys, I think I have to show you something.

Meanwhile, SACT is getting ready load up the two large crates on to a bullet train, ready for launch. As they are given the "ok" to launch. The train lifts up magnetically and goes instantly fast as it launches and leaves the base hidden in the desert. The train then goes onto a hidden metallic track, leading to the woods.

All is well until a couple of Forever Knights on metallic steeds chase the train. The Knights split into two groups and attacks on both sides. SACT units fire their turrets at the knights, but are too fast. The Forever Knights launches spear guns as grappling lines quickly pull them off their steeds and on top the train. Half the knights use laser saws to cut open the part of the train to gain entry and secure it. The other half gallop towards the front to take over the train. They knock out the agents and block direct communication to the SACT base, the conductor uses the radio for a long range message and hopes it reaches anybody

Red Alert! Red Alert! This is the SACT transport the "Thunder Bullet". We are under attack! Whoever gets this, please send help immediately!

Back at Max's headquarters, MAX takes the trio to a strange shape hidden in a sheet. MAX removes the cover revealing an old rusty shoulder piece within a glass container.

What is that?

What's left of Vilgax.

Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you killed him.

Actually Cooper, this was all I found after the explosion. There was no body other than this shoulder piece.

You're not saying....

I hope not.....But I have great doubts....

Why didn't you tell me?

I was, but I kept investigating to be sure. Besides, I didn't want to scare you with this...

Plumber communications soon act ups and starts picking up message, though very static and audible.

(Static from Communications)
Red Alert! Red Alert! This is the SACT transport the Desert Bullet. We are under attack! Whoever gets this, please send help immediately!

Forever Knights?

More likely, where are they?

COOPER checks the communications, tracking for locations.

They are located near big rock, let me get some equipment.

COOPER runs to the supply room to get his materials. MAX wheels over to BEN and GWEN.

I guess we'll talk about this later. Good luck kids

As soon as COOPER comes back, GWEN recites her teleporting spell, disappearing in a flash. The Trio are soon teleported on the tracks, as Gwen slightly collapses from the effects of teleportation.

Alright Cooper, where do we catch our train?

A bright flashing light illuminates from afar as the bullet train quickly speeds towards them from behind.

Looks it wants to catch us!

The Trio screams as Gwen recites the teleportation yet again, this time teleporting them from above. They soon fall from above, screaming in terror as they do.



BEN, GWEN and COOPER land on the train, but the speed of the train pushes them back. As they are about to fall off from behind train, COOPER uses his powers to construct magnetic boots and quickly grabs both BEN and GWEN. COOPER kicks open the ceiling and pulls BEN and GWEN inside the train.

All three of them begin panting heavily, soon getting back on their feet and fixing their hair.

(Dusts his jacket)
Next time, try teleporting us INSIDE the train!

(Fixes her hairclip and sneers)
Hey, you try performing a headache inducing teleporting spell if it's so easy for you!

Guy let's calm down, what's important is that we're inside.

Then, forever knights come in the halls of the train, weapons armed as well.

So are they!

The Forever knights blast at GWEN as she projects her shield. Cooper reconfigures his magnetic boots into magnetic gun as he magnetically pulls the knights to him, and then pushes them away. Ben cowers behind Gwen, as he flips his watch to see what to transform.

(Flips his watch)
Come on, do you have something I could use?

Ben switches through most of the holograms, then later selecting one.

Looks like you are going to have to do.

BEN slams his watch down as his skin starts molting into a slimy watery skin. His eyes split into halves as his legs grow in length. His toes and fingers develop fins as he also develops a long sticky tongue as his throat starts croaking. Ben has transformed into a frog-like alien.

(Leaps over Gwen)
Wow, this is a sticky situation

The Alien shoots out his sticky tongue, taking the forever knight's weapon. The ALIEN leaps over the knights as he shoots his tongue again at their visors, blinding them. COOPER finishes them off with his magnetic gun, blasting them away.

So what are you going to call this one? Leapfrog?

Nah, too clichéd....Leaptoad sounds more like it.

So where to next?

Since the forever knights are here, what are they after?

Looks like we are going to have to find out.

Meanwhile, the knights reel in the passengers as they scan both crates. They both are emitting large amounts of radiation on their scanners as one forever knight dashes towards them.

Commander Cyrus! Ben Tennyson is within this train.

Blasted, we must acquire these two power sources. Or Stallon will surely execute us for this. Deal with them at once, we have to load them up!

As LEAPTOAD and Co. continue within the train, they are stopped by another group of forever Knights. Forever Knights soon lock up the door behind them and start blasting the trio with their lances. LEAPTOAD leaps into the air and flicks his tongue at a knight, pushing him away. One of the knights blasts LEAPTOAD out of the train, sending him near falling.

LEAPTOAD shoots his tongue out the last minute as it sticks to the train. The train drags LEAPTOAD from behind as he floats in the air. Many of the Knights galloping outside attempt to shoot him, but dodges with ease. LEAPTOAD grips his tongue and pulls himself toward the train, eventually meeting the surface. More Knights soon climb up the train, gathering around and ready to fight LEAPTOAD on the train.

Then suddenly, a large gunship flies towards the speeding train. LEAPTOAD and the knights look up as they see three figures in red suits reel down, Two Males and one Feminine looking figure. Two break through the train's windows, taking down the forever knights fighting COOPER and GWEN. While the lead one takes out the knights surrounding LEAPTOAD. The leader starts blasting the knights on top of the train. The gunship starts blasting the rest of the knights galloping outside the train, but is soon blasted and destroyed as one of the knights blasts it with a spear. The armed red figure soon arms his gun and aims at LEAPTOAD

(Hands up)
Okay, who are you guys?

(Deep Monotone)
We are Alpha Squad of SACT. We've been sent here to answer a distress signal.

Wait? You're from SACT?

Are you Ben Tennyson?

Inside the train, The forever knights have been defeated as the two other red figure soon aim at COOPER and GWEN. GWEN's hands start glowing blowing while COOPER creates a mechanical gauntlet, ready to fire at the two red figures.

(Opens the hatch)
Guys, take it easy. I think they're on our side.

LEAPTOAD and the lead figure reel down within the train as both sides lay their arms down. LEAPTOAD soon changes back BEN in a red flash.

What are you three kids doing here?

We've been tracking recent forever knight activity going on and happen to stumble upon this one.

Since they are here, they're clearly after something.

The RED FIGURE places his blaster within his rear sheath as he removes his Mask, revealing a male with blond hair and brown eyes.

Proper Introduction, the name is Grant, leader of alpha squad. These two are Calvin and Elle.

CALVIN and ELLE also remove their helmets.

Nice to meet you three

(looks at device)
Lt. Steele told us about you. Just never expected to meet you personally.

(Gawks at Ben)
Looks like you're famous.

So why are the forever knights here?

With what we've been briefed, they seem to be after a reversed engineering of the sub energy core. The train is hauling two as we speak. One located in the control room, the other in the rear cart.

Sub Energy cores? We've got stop them!

Looks like we are both on good terms. You guys go after the one in the front, secure the controls. Me and the rest of Alpha squad will retake the rear.

Why don't we take the rear?

It was of Steele's most importance that we do. Besides, they are holding SACT crew as hostages. They could use your help.

The Six soon nod to each other, then splitting off to their directions.

BEN and CO. hide behind the door of the control room. They peek, seeing the knights with scanning the metallic box. They glaze over to two others, holding the control crew hostages.

(To other Knight)
Is this the one

(Scans Box)
It is displaying the same energy signature.

Good, Lord Stallon will be most pleased.

One of the high ranking knights contacts STALLON.

Lord Stallon, we have captured the train along with two of the generators.

Good job Commander Morton, bring them back here at once.

We did stumble upon a problem. Ben Tennyson is on board trying to stop us!

Bring me those generators, or don't at all.

STALLON then ends his transmission. BEN and CO. nod to each, as Ben flips open his watch. GWEN preps her magic. And COOPER's eyes glow. Ben turns into Razor and slashes the other knights. Gwen starts blasting all the knights with her magic, sending them flying out the windows. Cooper uses his technopathy to uncuff the hostages and uses them to cuff the other knights.

Looks like we've regained control of the train.

And freed the hostages.

GWEN rests the hostages as COOPER activates the speakers to the train

(Turns on security camera at the rear cart)
Alpha Team? We've regained the controls. How are you doing?

The Group looks at the video footage. Alpha squad has fought through some knights and manages to make it to the rear. But they encounter so many knights. They are backed in a corner, blasting back at them as the knights advance.

Looks like they need our help.

RAZOR and CO. races towards the last cart. RAZOR and CO. surprise the Knights. Gwen shields Alpha Squad as RAZOR slices through the knights. COOPER then disarms them all as he forms automatic turrets. Team Tennyson and Alpha nod to each other, then advances toward the knights.

The remaining knights are on the defensive as they blast back. COOPER is sending his turrets to blast at them. But later stops and looks at the metallic crate. COOPER starts hearing electrical sounds within his head as if he senses something inside.

(Looks at Cooper)
Cooper! What are you doing!?

COOPER stands there as he still continues staring at the Crate. A forever Knight blasts him, but GWEN forms a shield around him. The noise of the blast wakes COOPER up, shaking his head.

Cooper! Focus! You're going to get yourself killed!

(Shakes head from)
Sorry, could have sworn I sensed something in there.

The Knights soon take cover behind the crate, as one approaches the other.

Commander Cyrus! What happened to Morton?

Tennyson blasted him out!

We are running out of men! We can't take both generators like this!

No! We just need one!

CYRUS orders the knights to blast at the walls behind the crates completely off. The Remaining knights soon jump off and mount on their robotic steeds. They shoot grappling hooks at the crate then drag it completely out. The remaining knights haul the crate with their robotic steeds as the remaining ones outside deploy tier gas, disappearing within the smoke.

They're getting away!

(Calms Calvin down)
Easy, we were ordered to protect one of them. Besides our gunship has been destroyed, so we can't chase them.

Whatever they took, it was no generator.

What are you talking about?

I sensed something in that box. It was a machine, yet felt alive.

Something you guys are not telling us?

Hey, we were told this train was transporting generators.

RAZOR omnitrix soon starts bleeping as he changes back to BEN

Well good news for you, we kept one.

BEN, Co. and Alpha Squad head towards the control room where the other one is still in place. GRANT opens the metallic crate to ensure it is safe. It is revealed it is an energy core as promised earlier.

These are clearly generators, you must have been imagining things.

You could be right

Anyways, I would like to thank you three. We couldn't have safe this last one if it weren't for you three

Always a pleasure.

Besides, Steele would rip us a new one if we had failed our first mission.

Wait, this was your first mission?

We've been training intensely for this. We never expected this kind of difficulty

Well, at least you guys succeeded. How more difficult could this mission be?

From outside, a Silhouette is soon from afar. It lands in front of the tracks and stops the train barehanded. Everyone and everything soon start flying towards the front as the Shadowy figure stops the train as the wheel shrieks from the force of impact. As everyone soon starts regaining conscious, the hull is ripped open. Ben is able to get a better look at the figure as it reaches towards the generator. It is revealed to be a robotic skeleton comprised of what appears to be alien-looking parts. It opens up its chest area as it takes the generator. It then places the generator within its chest and runs away.

What was that?

I don't know? But it took the generator!

We didn't finish training to fail!

Come on! Let's go after it then!

ELLE stay over here and tend to the others. Signal for back up.

ELLE Nods as she head back to what is left of the train.

Many hours pass as the team follows the robotic skeleton. They look for signs to where it went. They found some footprints. The Team follows the foot prints, leading them to a cavernous drainage area, leading to what appears to be a sewage system.

Oh man, this is going to be disgusting.

Good thing we've been trained for this.

The rest go inside as GWEN feels rather disgusted.

So I guess the legend of Bellwood's sewer monster does exist

This thing is no monster. It was a machine built to scavenge for parts. Whatever it is, it appears to be alien in origin.

And whoever built, I have a feeling we are going to encounter its maker.

Everyone soon trudges further within the sewers as it gets more darker and darker. GRANT and CALVIN soon turn on their flash lights, bring more light. COOPER then stops and listens.

Cooper what are you doing?

This thing is a machine right? I'm going to use my powers to locate it.

COOPER Closes his eyes and starts concentrating.

(Opens eyes)
Follow me it is this way!

COOPER runs as everyone follows. Suddenly, they hear a faint sound of machinery. They then see lights glowing to the left of them. As they continue on, they soon start hearing rasping and heavy breathing, as if someone is suffocating. The noise gets louder and louder, the breathing becoming more present and more agonizing. They then stumble what appears to be a ship being constructed with the skeletal robot applying the parts to it.

It was building a ship in the sewers?


The wheezing is heard again, this time closer. As they look down, they notice a wheezing figure sitting on what appears to be a throne. BEN along with everyone, eyes so wide, are shocked to see who is sitting on the throne.

VILGAX!!! You're alive!!

VILGAX is sitting on a throne, looking severely injured, with many wires attached to his body

Hello Ben....

Didn't this guy die?

That's what I'm thinking! Ben blew you to smitherines!

Wrong! That explosion you wrought on me has been a plague to me for five years! I crawled away and reprogrammed my drones to help me. I've been gathering parts of my ship to escape this wretched planet for a long time. That explosion should have killed me yes, But I don't go down that easily.

Well, with the condition you are in? Stopping you will be a piece of cake.

CALVIN approaches VILGAX, with blaster rifle armed and ready. But then a drone pops out from the shadows. It releases another appendage and uses it to jab CALVIN from behind, paralyzing him.

I think you haven't met my medical drone MD1156

But you can call me Doctor. You will not harm my master.

That's nothing! There's four of us and only one of you!

(Presses a button on wrist)
On the contrary?

The Robotic Skeleton stops constructing the ship, eyes glowing red, as it looms over the team.

It is you four against the two of us!

You had to ask, didn't you?

The Robotic skeleton throws a punch at the team, they all manage to dodge to the blow, but are sent flying.

(To Ben)
Come on! Turn into something!

(Flips open watch)
Give me a minute

The Robotic skeleton groans as it charges them.

(Arms gun)
We don't have a minute.

GRANT starts blasting the Robotic Skeleton, gaining its attention. BEN flips around the watch, then makes his selection. He slams down the watch as he shrinks in size. He turns into a round shape, with red skin growing on him. He later grows leathery wings as he gains flight, resembling as small round bat.

Okay, what can this guy do?

The Robotic Skeleton tries throwing a punch at Bat Alien, but it flies away. Dodging the blows. DOCTOR fights off GWEN and COOPER.

(Hands glow blow)
Aquuis Typhooma!

GWEN Blows water at the DOCTOR, but he maneuvers out of the way as he blasts her with darts. GWEN manages to protect herself with her magical barriers. COOPER summons cabling, trying to grab DOCTOR with them. Butt DOCTOR soon shoots dart at COOPER. He blocks them with his arms.

(Plucks one out)
Hey? This doesn't hurt at all?

COOPER later starts feeling drowsy and collapses.

Paralysis darts. My touch is not the only thing that could disable nerves.

DOCTOR is about to jab at COOPER in an attempt to finish him, but GWEN blocks the attack with her barrier.

Meanwhile, BEN continues to dodge every move as GRANT continues blasting the Robotic Skeleton. The Robotic Skeleton manages to punch BEN towards a wall. A Large explosion occurs, blowing up a large chunk of the sewers. The Robotic skeleton has lost its arms, while BEN regains consciousness.

(Shakes ash off wings)
Wow, that was a blast.

Badaboom is what I'll say!

More like.....Bataboom!

Seeing the explosion, Gwen decides to go out and help BATABOOM and GRANT.

Now that they're occupied, it is time for me to finally leave!

With pleasure my master.

DOCTOR presses a button, a bunch of machinery start forming around VILGAX, enabling him to walk. As he groans in pain, he walks to his junky escape ship as DOCTOR follows behind. He then closes the door as the lights of the ship start activating.

BATABOOM starts flying around the Robotic Skeleton, then drops himself on top of the robot, causing another explosion. The Robotic Skeleton is falling apart.

(Gwen tosses a stoned figure)
Alright, time to finish this! Guardius Gollus!

A bunch of stones levitating toward each other, pieces and boulders start forming into a figure as blue flames start giving it structure. A ten foot tall stone guardian is formed. BATABOOM and GRANT look in mix between shock and impression.

When could you do that?

Something I learnt during my lucky girl days. I want you guys to meet the Guardian.

GUARDIAN soon fights off the robotic skeleton, throwing punches at it. The GUARDIAN punches straight towards the face and stomach area, crushing those areas. BATABOOM flies on the GUARDIAN's arm, then causing a large explosion. The Robotic skeleton disintegrates into nothing but parts. BATABOOM soon lands on the ground as he turns back to BEN.

And you didn't do this before because?

Hey? This drains so much magic, I'm unable to use it for a couple of minutes!

I think we have bigger problems

A ship soon emerges out of the sewers. It then takes off into space, disappearing high in the sky. BEN looks up, looking serious.

Vilgax has escaped.

And I have a feeling he'll be back.

The Ship soon leaves space, as DOCTOR places VILGAX on what appears to resemble a gurney. VILGAX soon looks at a picture of BEN.

We will meet again Ben.

Now that we have left, where do we go?

Set a course to my base. Sector 507.

Meanwhile, BEN and GWEN carry COOPER on their shoulders, as GRANT does the same thing to CALVIN. Both COOPER and CALVIN start regaining consciousness.

(Wakes up)
Oh...what happened?

You got paralyzed by a doctor

But it seems we've failed the mission. We lost both energy cores.

Hey don't sweat it, At least lives were still saved.

I wonder what Steele would think?

That you kicked a lot of butts? And drove Vilgax away?

I guess....

A helicopter then arrives, landing near them. The Doors open up, revealing ELLE.

Grant? The injured are okay. And Reinforcements are being sent to investigate this area.

That's good. We couldn't have done this without Ben Tennyson.

Always a pleasure, been a long day. We have to go home now. Say hi to Steele for me.

GWEN recites her teleporting spell, the trio disappearing in a flash.

Back towards STALLON's base, the forever knights have manage to bring back the metallic crate. CYRUS then dismounts his robotic steed, as STALLON strokes his horse.

The Mission was a success, we've brought you the energy core as instructed.

(Gives his horse an apple)
Good, open it! And Contact Chadwick! We must resume the experiment!

The Forever Knights soon start opening the box. The outlines soon open, giving off a loud hissing sound and cooling steam. As the steam clears away, it is revealed to be an Organic Spacecraft.

Impossible! A ship!?

It was displaying the same readings? How could this be? This is no energy core!

No, but it seems this ship might be of use to me. Contact one of my colleagues. Whatever power was displayed within the ship, I must harness it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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