The Tree Of Life

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Hey Guys! Welcome back to another chapter! Enjoy! Discord Invite code: u9rgDCA


marvelomac1010: KionxRani is the main ship.

Hu-E3rd: Thank you so much!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please follow and favorite so you get notifications when I update!

@Eghguy115 is my co-author I thank him for helping me with this.

The Night Pride: a group of lions who have always protected the beloved Tree of Life. The position as leader of this force has been passed down from generation to generation. Which brings us to the current leader of the Night Pride, Princess Rani.

Unlike previous leaders of the Night Pride, Rani was... different. When she was young, Rani was very playful and seemed to enjoy her life at any given moment. But as time went on, this happiness from her started to drift away. As hours, days, and weeks pass, she started to become more mature and started to take responsibility. This may seem normal for a lioness going through stages of puberty, but she had more complex reasons.

Both of Rani's parents passed away in a horrible disaster when Rani was still at a decent young age. Rani was given the rightful leadership to the Night Pride. She felt as if she wasn't ready to take this responsibility yet, similar to how Kion wasn't ready to lead the Lion Guard.

She seemed to have tiny anger issues and small outbreaks when things seemed too much for the princess. Luckily her teammates were there to support her. Her team consisted of her uncle Surak, a lioness named Nirmala, and her brother Baliyo. For years, the Night Pride do all they could to defend the Tree of Life.

"Rani! Grandmother needs you!" Baliyo called. This day seemed like a normal day for the teenage lioness. It was sunrise, just when the Night Pride ended their work. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened at the Tree. Well... until today that is.

"Grandmother needs me? What for?" Rani replied.

"Not sure. I hope it's something good!"

The two siblings walked together into the entrance of the Tree of Life. "Grandmother? You needed me?" Rani asked while walking in. A small toucan swooped out of the Tree as they entered. "Who was that?" Rani wondered. Baliyo shrugged in response.

Queen Janna lifted her head, viewing her grandchildren. "Yes, Rani. Come. Sit down." Rani and Baliyo sat in front of the rock their grandmother rested upon. "Rani, do you remember when I told you about the Pridelands?"

"The Pridelands?" Rani took a few seconds to think.

"Ooh! Isn't that the place where the Great King Simba defeated is uncle Scar?" Baliyo spoke.

"Yes, Baliyo. That is the Pridelands." Queen Janna confirmed.

"Okay, but what about the Pridelands?" Rani asked inquisitively.

The Queen sighed before telling Rani the news. "Currently there is a large evil force attacking the Pridelands. The king's royal advisor came to me issuing a peace treaty between the Tree of Life and the Pridelands."

"So, you're saying the Night Pride is going to need to help the Pridelanders?"

"If they are in need of more assistance, then yes."

"Okay, so I should get the Night Pride prepared." Rani told her before standing up.

"Oh, but there is more, Rani." The princess sat back down, confused on what more did the Pridelands wanted.

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