He smirked and continued to kiss her, dipping his hand into her pants.

Alex forced herself to smile as she lightly shoved him off, not in the mood to hook up.

He moved back toward her, kissing her as his hand remained in her pants.

She sighed, reluctantly kissing him back despite not being in the mood.

His kisses became rougher and he pulled back slightly. He knelt between her parted legs, wasting no time pulling off her pants.

"What about the movie?" Alex asked him, a part of her hoping he'd realize she didn't want to sleep with him.

"Screw the movie," He argued with her and Alex sighed in defeat, trying to contain her herself as he continued on with having his way.


That night, Alex laid in bed in the complete dark. She was lying underneath the covers, music blasting throughout her room. She was high out of her mind, too, even though she knew it was the last thing she should have been at a time like that. She felt as though she had the worst day of her life. She needed a release.

Just then, the door opened and Ginny entered, causing Alex to groan. "I just want my sweatshirt back," She informed her, wasting no time walking over to Alex's dresser.

"Ginny, no..." Alex trailed off, removing her blanket as she watched Ginny open the top drawer, "Get your own."

"Did you not just hear the part where I said it's mine?" Ginny retorted with an attitude, searching through the pile of clothes.

Alex always did that with her clean laundry. Instead of putting them neatly in her drawers, she just stuffed them. It was why most of them drawers rarely could ever actually close. It was also why all of the clothes she actually wore to school were hung up in her closet by their mother, which annoyed Ginny most of all.

Their mother did everything for Alex, no matter what it was, and rarely ever complained.

Without a care in the world, Ginny began to toss many of the clothes on the ground until she finally found her sweatshirt. She smiled in relief and picked it up, on the verge of leaving with it when she heard a small thud on the ground. She frowned, realizing something had fallen out of the sweatshirt.

"Ginny..." Alex trailed off nervously, watching Ginny look down at the pregnancy test that had landed at her feet.

Slowly, Ginny picked up the test, shocked when she found the results to be positive. She turned to Alex, staring at her sister in disbelief.

At first, Ginny's softened when she saw the devastated look on Alex's face. However, after a moment, she scoffed, beginning to glare at Alex. "Why am I not surprised? Fifteen and pregnant, just like Mom. Do you even know who the dad is?"

"Tell anyone and I will literally slit your throat in your sleep," Alex told Ginny in a low, threatening tone.

Scoffing loudly, Ginny tossed the test to Alex, leaving the room without another word said.


It was the middle of the night when Alex finally decided to tell her mother. She walked into her room, finding Georgia tossing and turning in bed. They were the same in that way, neither of them ever able to sleep. They were lucky if they even got four hours a night. Both of them were plagued with memories of the past, making them unable to peacefully sleep. How could they sleep peacefully when the entire time they were awake they weren't at peace either?

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