"Ai fost mort, nu te-am putut ajuta tată" (you were dead, I couldn't save you dad) he cries slightly.

"Well I wasn't expecting that" Nat says with slightly widened eyes, having knowing Romanian.

"Ca să fiu corect, aveam să-ți spun, dar am... uitat...?" (to be fair I was going to to tell you, I... forgot...?) I say to her and she looks unconvinced.

"Mind filling us in on what the fuck you're saying" Stark says and I glare at him.

"Mind watching your language around a kid" I say.

"That's another reason Stucky should happen" Peter muffles into me.

"I love your kid" Natasha says with a smirk.

"It's not his kid" Clint frowns.

"You guys are idiots" she laughs and they all look confused.

"Especially you cap, you said it yourself, he literally looks like a 10 year old version of Bucky. Bucky is so protective, he looks to see if there's e-numbers in a food or drink before giving it to the kid. The kid said in the interrogation that if he told Fury his surname his father would take away his string cheese then earlier today Bucky threatened to take away his string cheese. And Bruce asked Bucky if he told the team, could've been that he knew the kid, but Bucky replied with no he didn't. So therefore there was still something we didn't know, didn't as in past tense because now we do know" Nat explains and they all look at her with wide eyes.

"And also the kid just called him dad in Romanian" she shrugs.

"Surprise" Peter says, still snuggled into me.

"Finally I was dying keeping that a secret!" Bruce says with a sigh of relief.

"Hold up Bucky's a dad?!" Steve exclaims with wide eyes.

"Yeah and you're my future stepdad" Peter mumbles, the team not picking it up but I did.

"For the last time, that's not happening" I groan and he finally sits up.

He looks at me and takes a sigh, "the gay ship gods spoke to me through Wattpad, it's going to happen along with Ironstrange and Hawksilver" he says.

"What is your kid talking about?" Clint scoffs in amusement.

"He thinks everyone is gay" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Not everyone" he replies.

"Yeah just a large percentage of people" I say sarcastically.

"Precisely" he shrugs.

"Well he's not wrong" Wanda says.

"Pfff I'm not gay" Tony scoffs.

"Are you though?" She says knowingly with a smirk.

"Okay maybe like 50%" he admits.

"Welcome to the bisexual gang" Wanda says.

"Wait you guys are bisexual?" Steve asks in surprise and they nod.

"Yeah you can join them but like I'm getting fully gay vibes from you right now" Peter says to him.

"The kid's gotta point" Nat says with a smirk, "I also ship Stucky" she says to him and I roll my eyes.

"Whats Stucky? And what do you mean ship?" Steve asks in confusion.

"Well it's both yours and my dad's names put together, st equals Steve and ucky equals Bucky. To ship two people means you think they should end up together, so I ship you and dad" Peter says with a smirk and I facepalm.

Steve splutters, not knowing what to say, "I-what?" He stutters.

"My. Dad. Is. In. Love. With. You." He drawls out.

"Y-you are?" Steve asks with wide eyes.

"I- well- it- I- heh- no...?" I fumble.

"Oh" Steve replies, with slight disappointment.

"I mean like, not if you don't want me to..." I say.

"Jeez just ask him out already, this is getting ridiculous" Nat says.

"I have to agree, I mean we feel the sexual tension between y'all" Stark says with a smirk.

"What's that?" Peter asks confusedly.

"Uhhh when you're older son" Steve says with a nervous chuckle while Tony is trying not to laugh.

"But I'm 10! That's double digits!" Peter says with a pout.

"Why don't we all just leave Pete's room so he can get some sleep" I say, going to get up my Peter clings onto me.

"Nooooo stay" he groans, hugging me tightly.

"Only if you sleep" I say with sigh and he snuggles more into me.

"So Steve, you into hot single dads?" Nat teases.

"Let's leave, the kid needs to sleep" Steve replies, completely ignoring the question.

"Bye future stepdad" Peter says and yawns.

The team then leave the room but only after Nat takes pictures of me for quote on quote 'blackmail'.

"Good night Peter" I whisper to my sleeping son and eventually fall into a deep slumber.


I love writing this oneeee 😂

Comment any feedback or requests or whatever here >>>>>

Word Count: 1335

- mayaaaa ✌🏼

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