Discoveries pt.2

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(During the mission)

Peter ran round unlocking all the cells whilst Magneto attempted to unlock a big metal cage that had two kids shaking inside it.

He tried with all his might but it wouldn't budge. Just at that moment, Peter lost his control, which does happen when he goes to fast, over his power and ran straight into Erik, toppling him over. "Whatch it kid! Why you always messing up!?" Erik braced himself for a snarky remark from Peter but just got a small "sorry. I didn't see you coming." in return before he ran off unlocking more cells.

Magneto focused all his energy to the lock and it busted open, but Erik fell to the floor because the surge contained most of his energy. Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head. It was Charles. He was screaming get out of the way or something like that. Erik looked up and saw a man holding up a gun to Erik's head and before he could move, there was a loud bang. Erik closed his eyes, awaiting the pain but it never came. Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw Peter standing there with a bullet hole in his chest. With a pained smile, he said "You didn't see that coming." Before collapsing into Erik's arms.

"PETER!" Raven screamed as she knelt down next to the pair. The others came rushing over and kept telling Peter to keep him eyes open but the only voice Peter could hear was Erik's. He was saying to keep his eyes on him and to hold on. "Whos your mother?" He questioned "She kicked me out." Peter smiled softly "and your father?" The group fell silent. It was now or never. Peter laughed a little "Hes holding me in his arms." Erik realised what he ment. "Peter! I'm so sorry for not being there! Please forgive me!" "Hey don't sweat it! We're cool. I love you dad." Was the last words Peter said before he was engulfed by darkness.

"NO PETER DONT LEAVE ME!" Erik shouted as a tear ran down his face "Please! Oh god please come back to me! I need you!" He held him close as he cried "I'm sorry." Raven placed a hand on his shoulder as they all mourned the boy who they thought was dead. Kurt cried gently with Raven as Jean, Scott and Hank all hung their heads, backs shaking everytime they chocked out a sob. "He was to young." Hank piped up.

Erik still had Peter held close to his chest, hands supporting the boy's head when he felt something. Erik's eyes widened "A pulse!" He jumped "He still has a pulse!" He put his ear to Peter's chest "I can hear his heart beating! Lord have mercy he's alive!" Erik laughed. "The bullet just missed his heart! It's a miracle! Give him here. Kurt can you teleport me and Peter back to the infirmary?" Hank questioned "Yes I can and I'll get you all two at a time." 

The trio disappeared in a puff of blackish dusty smoke sort of thing. After a few seconds, he returned and Took Erik so he could be with Peter." He then crept into the cage Erik unlocked earlier to find two teens. A boy around 19 and girl 18. "Hey! I'm gonna take you to a safe place. How long have you been here for?" "A few days. Not that long but thank you!" The girl exclaimed "I'm Wanda and this is my brother Pietro." "Cant wait to get out of this shit hole." "Sorry, he has a bit of an attitude on him." "Dont worry, but you have to trust me." A few seconds more and he returned for Jean and Scott.

Finally, they were all back and waiting for Peter to come out. "You know, his super speed allows him to heal quickly as his body works at a faster rate." Scott said "He'll be ok in no time." Jean added "I still can't believe he's my son. Almost loosing him made me feel like I've been his father forever." Erik sighed "Its called parental instincts. To protect and take care of." Raven added. Hank walked out and told Erik he could see Peter.

Erik ran in "Peter!? Oh thank god your ok!" "What!? You aren't getting rid of me that easily!" Peter shot back. "I saw the pain in your eyes when I was dying. I knew you meant that you were sorry." "And I truly am. I love you Peter. Your my son." "I love you too dad." They hugged and Habk let Peter out early since his fast healing the bullet wound was nearly gone.

Peter went back to his room and hank called Erik over about those kids they found.

Time skippp

"So yeah. Tommrow you get to meet your big brother, Pietro and big sister, Wanda. I'll pick you up around 10 to 12, ok?" "Alright. Night." "Night buddy."

Peter flopped onto his bed, still taking in that he almost died, found his dad and now his two siblings. He had a whole family! He drifted off to sleep thinking happy thoughts.

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