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Requested by PigeonBoiii

I wasn't able to get a  good read on Kiibo but I tried

Kiibo's POV.

I was on my couch on the phone with a friend when I heard a knock on my door. Shuichi had planned to study with me so I expected it to be him.

"It's open!" I shout, the door opens to reveal the bluenette.

"Hey Kiibo!" He says in his normal cheery voice.

"Hey, Shuichi. Did you bring your books this time?" I asked him, he nodded, "Right here! " He held up his book, I smiled.

"I'm surprised you didn't decide to study with Kokichi." I say, raising my eye brows. He sits down next to me.

"Yeah well I hate Miu and Korekiyo and he's studying with them so there's no way in hell I'm going. " He said as he huffed. I laughed, "Dude, you hate all his friends." He shook his head, "I don't hate you" I rolled my eyes, "I'm not friends with him. Anyway, you wanna study now? " I ask, he nods.

I grab his hand and walk up the stairs to my room. I pull out my math book and sit next to him on the ground.


"And than you carry the two and-" I was cut off by Shuichi laying his head on my shoulder, "What're you doing?" I ask, he laughs, "Just continue" he says. I nod and start back where I was, "Okay, so than you carry the two and than-" I was cut off again by him wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Shuichi, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask him. He laughs, "I'm tired, let's continue later. I wanna sleep" I sigh and nod.

I put my computer and the book away and move Shuichi to the bed, "There ya go" I say as I start to walk away, "No, stay" Shuichi says dragging out the A as he grabs my whist.

"Gimme a sec', I'm gonna get us some water." Shuichi whines. This guy I think to myself. I get beside him on my bed. He wraps his arms and legs around me, locking me in place. I playful roll my eyes.

"You know this is only gonna last a few hours right?" I say, "Yeah I know, just let me enjoy it."

" Alright. "

Saiibo Oneshots (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang