"Ugh, I hate it when he leaves you in charge," sighed Kai.

"I'm ready!" claimed Jay before Cole could answer Kai.

Both of the more experienced students looked at Jay as he marched into the cave as though to kick a cowering goblin in the butt. Cole crossed his arms, and Kai glanced at Cole.

"He's ready to go," said Cole quite pleased and began marching after his student-for-the-day.

Kai shook his head and followed.

"Don't forget to use all your senses," said Cole from behind.

Jay nodded, although it was already too dark for Cole to see it. He strained his ears, listening for anything, but he quickly reminded himself that he was not a bat and listening would not help him find his way through even if it might save him from running into a monster. Well, unless it was really quiet. Holding out his hands he felt for the wall. He bumped into something soft and large and hairy.

"Ah!" cried Jay leaping back and falling onto the ground.

"What?" demanded Kai's voice. "It's just me, Jay."


Kai poked him in the face, and Jay made a little "Ak!" but Kai's intention was to find his arm, and he quickly had him upright.

"Er, Sorry. Just keep your hands on the wall," said Kai.

He felt another pair of hands gently push him up in front again.

"Feel the air for freshness to find the shortest way out," said Cole.


"Ah!" cried Jay. "What was that!?"

"A snake, probably," said Kai.

"Are they poisonous?" whimpered Jay.

"Stop it, you're making the monsters hungry," retorted Cole. "It isn't far to the nearest exit. You just gotta find it. Put your feet out ahead of you and feel the ground carefully."

Jay wished he had hiking boots instead of ninja sandals as he felt around and cavern floor. He shivered at the thought of a snake biting his toes through the open socks. His teeth chattered, and he tried not to whimper again as he looked behind his shoulder at the fading light behind them since they had turned a corner from the entryway.

"Crying is the worst thing you can do," said Kai.

"Well, maybe not the worst," said Cole being contrary again, "but it's really gunna make the monsters hungry for you."

Jay shivered again violently. His pounding heart was so loud it was getting hard to hear the others. He wondered if the monsters would be able to hear it too, and he tried to quiet the beating by tensing his chest. He knew he had no control over it, though.

"We're probably getting close to that hole," said Kai suddenly; though rather too casually for Jay's liking. "Y'know, the one where—"

Jay's foot slipped. His heart stopped, and he swallowed his own gasp in an awkward gulp as he felt nothing but empty air beneath him. He grabbed for the nearest thing, which happened to be Cole who let out a surprising cry that made Jay even more frightening as they fell. They tumbled a little and then went straight down again. Then they landed on an earthen bottom.

"Cole! Jay!" cried Kai much more concerned than Jay thought him capable. "Are you guys alright?!"

"Mmph," moaned Cole. "Yeah, I think so. You okay, Jay?"

A Touch of the Master's HandWhere stories live. Discover now