14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...

Start from the beginning

“How many seconds do you think it’ll take them to wake up, Fred?”

“I don’t know George; they look pretty out to me.”

“I wonder what would happened if we screamed,”

“Would you like to find out, George?”

“Yes, Fred, I would definably like to find out.”

“Don’t scream!!! I’m awake!” Kiley cried, shooting up and covering her ears. Fred and George stood there, Fred holding the video camera. There faces fell as soon as Kiley shot up.

“Aw, but we wanted to scream,” they said together. They walked out of the room.

“Hey, maybe we can go wake up Ginny!” George cried. Fred nodded his head vigorously and they ran down the hall.

“Good, you’re up. You guys need to start packing, the train leaves in a couple of hours.” Severus said as he walked by, holding a cup of coffee and the Daily Prophet tucked under his arm.

Kiley groaned and looked over at Harry, who was still sleeping. She poked him in the side until he woke up.

“Ow,” he said, sitting up and looking at her, “did you hafta poke me?”

“Yes,” she said, getting out of bed. “I wanted you to be as rudely awakened as I was.”

“And how were you awakened?” Harry asked, he too getting out of bed and stretching. He snatched his glasses from the table and put them on.

“The twins where going to scream and film us while they did it.” Kiley told him, throwing some clothes onto the bed then throwing the rest in the trunk.

“Do those clothes go with the style of Aria Weasely?” Harry asked, looking over the clothes. She nodded sleepily and tossed some boots onto the bed with the clothes.

“Dumbledore knows about the plan, right?”

“Yup, so all you hafta do is answer by the name Aria. Same room, same house, same everything.” Harry said, throwing some of his clothes on the bed next to Kiley’s. They both packed in silence, throwing in the things they came with and the things they got over Christmas. Kiley picked the picture of her and Severus off the table and placed a no breaking charm over it before setting it gingerly in the trunk. Before closing it she went to the bathroom and changed into her Aria clothes.

She took her wand out and tapped her hair, which instantly grew shorter and turned a strawberry blonde color. She tapped the corner of her eyes and they turned from her vivid green color to a dark ocean blue. She looked herself over and realized that she didn’t even recognize herself. She looked down at her clothes, which consisted of an ultra mini frayed denim skirt, black leggings and furry platform boots that came to just bellow her knees and pink long-sleeved shirt that had a silver undershirt and the poufy vest with the fake fur around the collar that matched the fur on her boots. She transformed her necklace into a Celtic looking symbol necklace. She did nothing to her ring, content with just hiding it with the long sleeves.

She walked out of the bathroom and back into her room.

“Kiley?” Harry asked, peering at her through his glasses.

“No, my names not Kiley, its Aria Weasely,” she said, smiling at him.

“Wow, no one is going to recognize you at all!” Harry said, “I don’t even recognize you! Wait, no, I can recognize you.”


“The freckles,” He said, tapping his finger on her nose.

She laughed and swatted his hand away. She then walked over to her trunk and threw in the pajamas she had worn last night. She latched the trunk closed and took a final look around their room.

“I’m going to miss this place,” she said longingly, looking around.

“We’ll come back; I’ve already got it worked out with Sirius. We’re going to rent a small apartment for half the summer, then live here for the rest.” Harry told her as he latched his own trunk.

Kiley nodded happily as she waved her hand and the trunk started to float in mid air. Harry waved his own wand and together they walked down the hall and the down the stairs for the last time that Christmas.

They set there trunks by everyone else’s and went into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

“Kiley, is that you?” Ron asked when they got in.

“No, Ronald, how many times do I hafta tell you? I’m your cousin, Aria!” Kiley said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“Nice, I didn’t even recognize you!” Ron said around a mouthful of waffles.

“That’s the whole point!” she said with a wink.

They sat down to eat breakfast with everyone else. Breakfast went very fast for the Hogwarts express left shortly, and they where far away from the station.

“Goodbye Lupin, Tonks, Piper, Moody!” Kiley cried with everyone else as they left number twelve Grimmauld place. All the other adults where seeing their children off on the train, well, except Severus, who was boarding the train with them.

When they got to the platform and had run through the barrier, Kiley looked around her in wonder. This was her first train ride to Hogwarts. Everything was so, so busy! People where everywhere, bumping into one another, most saying sorry, the obvious Slytherins rolling their eyes.

“Now, take care, Aria!” Mrs. Weasely told her with a wink, breaking her out of her reverie.

“I will Aunt Molly!”

“Be good now, you four, you hear?” Mr. Weasely told them, ruffling Harry and Ron’s hair.

“Don’t worry Uncle Arthur, Ginny and I will keep them in check, won’t we Gin?” Kiley said, putting her arm around Ginny and smiling. Ginny smiled back and nodded.

“Goodbye Ki….. err, Aria!’ Narcissa said, giving her a hug and winking slightly.

“Goodbye, Narcissa.”

There where a lot more tearful goodbyes as Draco, Kiley, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Kelly, Jason, and Severus got on the train. Even Severus was hugged a couple times.

Like I said before, he thought as Mrs. Weasely gave him a hug, my world is crashing in on me.

They boarded the train as it gave its last warning whistle. They hung out the window, waving goodbye to everyone as the train left the station. Draco didn’t wave; he just gave a nod and a small smile to his mother and father.

When the platform was out of sight, everyone went there separate ways. Ginny went to go find her friends, as well did Draco, not wanting to be seen around the Gryffindors. Severus had to go sit with the teachers, so that left Kiley, Harry, Ron, Jason, and Kelly to find an empty compartment.

It took them several minutes to find one, but when they did, they settled into it happily. Jason and Ron sat on one side, Kelly sat on the floor, and Kiley and Harry sat on the other side.

“Why do you always sit in the weirdest places?” Jason asked Kelly, looking down at her.

“I don’t know,” came her quick witted reply, “I just do, bug off,”

Everyone laughed. Kiley threw off her vest and placed it on top of her trunk. She plopped back down, having to stand on the plush bench to reach her trunk, happily. She put her feet up and laid her head on Harry’s lap. Harry began to stroke her hair as she closed her eyes.

“You two love birds do know that when we get to Hogwarts you can’t act all lovey dovey like that, right?” Kelly asked them, swatting Kiley’s hand away. It had fallen in front of her face.

“Why not?” Harry asked her, bending down so he could kiss Kiley. Kelly made a face, causing everyone to laugh.

“Last anyone heard, you where dating Kiley,” Ron quipped in after the laughter had died down. Kelly threw him a grateful look, which sent a blush to Ron’s ears.

“It didn’t work out with Kiley,” Harry said simply. “Ron introduced me to Aria, and I am completely head over heels.”

“Not to be taken the wrong way, of course,” Kiley said slyly.

“In theory,” Harry added hastily.

“Looks like someone’s on the rebound if you ask me,” Jason said, folding his legs underneath him, trying to sit like Kelly did but failing miserably. He had that look in his eyes that the Marauders some fifty odd years ago had come to known very, very well.

“Oh, hush up Lestrange,” Harry said, throwing him a look. Kiley giggled as she crossed one leg over her knee and started to bounce it. Her ring caught her eye and she couldn’t help but gape at it, again.

“It is really pretty, worthy of a princess, Princess.” Kelly said as she caught Kiley looking at her ring for the twenty billionth time. Kelly smiled at Kiley. they had become best friends over the break.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Pauper,” Kiley said back, trying to hide the blush that was starting to form on her cheeks.

“So, who picked the ring out Harry? Obviously you didn’t, because she actually likes it,” Jason asked, the mischievous glint still in his eyes.

“What, I can’t pick out a suitable ring for my fiancée?” Harry asked, looking indignant. Jason just shook his head. “Okay fine, it was my mother’s. Sirius had managed to get it before the, the funeral.”

Kiley looked at her ring in a new light. His mother’s? It was even more special now than it was two seconds ago.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Kelly said, placing a hand over her heart.

Harry just shrugged as Ron laughed.

Someone knocked on the glass just then. It was some student who was probably the head girl.

“Is Jason Peter and Kelly Malfoy in here?” she asked, looking around.

“Yup,” Kelly said, getting up of the floor and brushing the dirt from her rear. The girl was surprised. Obviously she hadn’t seen Kelly on the floor.

Jason stood up also, giving Harry a strangled look. “Peter?” he mouthed. Harry just shrugged and went back to playing with Kiley’s hair.

The last thing Kiley remembered before the dark settled in on her again was Ron getting up to go change into his school robes as soon as Kelly and Jason left. Again she felt herself losing control of her limbs; again she felt the strange mind numbing sensation of her soul being detached from her body, or whatever was happening to her. Just as before Voldemort’s face filled her vision. He was pacing this time, looking thoughtful as the globe that was sitting on the mantle, a fire burning underneath it talked.

“Two different worlds, she from the dark and he from the light, a symbol on her burning bright. She is the only thing that will help as he defeats the dark, her symbol like a lighted mark upon his heart. Through her he will prevail, and through her the dark shall fail.” The scratchy, omniscient voice proclaimed over and over again, like a broken record.

Voldemort continued to pace, thinking aloud.

“I should have seen this coming. I should have killed her when she was younger. Not the time for dwelling on mistakes, only time for killing them.” his face grew elated with wicked delight. “That’s what I must do now. I will find her, and then kill her. Harry Potter will be too weak from her death to fight me, so that’s when I must kill him. But what is this about ‘a symbol on her burning bright.’? What kind of symbol does the prophecy mean?”

“My lord?” came a timid voice from the door way. Voldemort waved the man in distractedly, still mulling over the different possibilities. Peter Pettigrew came scrambling in, looking like a cautious rat.

“Yes, what is it?”

“The trains should be arriving at Hogwarts in a couple hours. Should I go tell Bellatrix about the plan?” he asked, his voice quivering.

“Yes, do that,” Voldemort said, waving his hand to dismiss him.

Peter fled quickly, tripping over himself as he ran.

The scene faded slowly, just like last time. When she finally came to her senses she saw Harry looking over her, a look of urgency on his face.

“Are you all right?” he asked her, his eyes showing every bit of worriness he felt.

She nodded and sat up, looking desperately for a quill and parchment. She stood up and got some from her trunk, trying to hurry before she forgot the prophecy.

Harry was looking at her with puzzlement. “What are you doing?”

She just shook her head, flashing a finger up quickly to show him she needed one minute of silence. Harry complied, trying not to look at her like she was going batty.

When Kiley finished writing the prophecy down, she looked up at Harry.

“There’s a prophecy,” she began.

“Yes, yes I know about it. ‘Neither can live while the other survives,’” he quoted, breaking into her statement, looking slightly annoyed. He couldn’t help it. He hated that dang prophecy, and so no one could tell him about it without him getting cross now. Merlin, no one could before!

She shook her head vigorously, her strawberry blonde hair falling into her line of vision. She brushed it aside as she showed Harry the prophecy she had just written down.

“I, I think it’s about us…” she said as he read it over.

He nodded silently, reading it over again.

“Is that all that you saw?” he asked her when he was done reading it for the third time.

“No, a Death Eater came in and asked if he should go tell Bellatrix about the plan.”

“No elaborations?”

“None whatsoever.” She said, sighing. Kiley closed her eyes, her head starting to pound. She winced slightly as the train gave a random whistle.

“You okay?” he asked her, laying her head back on his lap.

She shook her head.

“I’ve got a wicked headache,” Kiley said, keeping her eyes closed.

“Why don’t you get some sleep?” he asked her, playing with her hair again. She nodded slightly and let her mind wander. She loved the feel of the train as it bumped and swayed under her, and the feel of Harry’s finger nimbly and gently pulling her hair, working the knots free and twirling it around his fingers. He started to hum to her one of his favorite songs.

“You know, I think I like the black hair better,” he whispered, brushing his lips against her cheek. She didn’t even react, she was almost asleep.

Suddenly the door slid open with a loud bang. Kiley shot up, disoriented.

“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” came a sneering voice. Kiley looked up at Hermione.

“Yes, actually you did.” She said, stretching slightly. “But I wasn’t very asleep. I had only just fallen.”

“So, Harry, I see you have a new girlfriend,” Hermione said, completely ignoring Kiley altogether.

“Her name is Aria, Hermione,” Harry said, a strange emotion in his voice. It almost sounded like, animosity. But not quiet as strong. Hermione was obviously surprised.

“Well, what happened to Kiley?” she asked in a slightly wounded tone.

“Didn’t work out,” Harry said, giving her the first answer that came to his mind. It would suffice, he argued in his head when the little voice sneered at him.

“Oh, I see… so where did you meet her?” Hermione asked, sitting down on the bench opposite of them.

“Ron,” Harry said simply, hoping her looks would elaborate on anything she wanted to know.

Hermione looked 'Aria' over, and rejoiced inwardly. She obviously wasn’t as pretty as Kiley was, with the strawberry blonde hair and the deep blue eyes. True, the freckles gave her the same innocent look that Kiley had, but she just looked TOO innocent. She looked like any other Weasely. Hermione reasoned that she had a chance with Harry after all. But when did I not? She asked herself, the vainness picking up.

Hermione looked… different. Different was the only word Kiley could come up with as she stared at the girl in front of her. Her hair was shorter, but not by much. Oh, it was straightened, no longer the bushy mess it had been before. She had gotten honey gold highlights, the color no longer a mousy brown. It hung now around her face, accentuating her features, making her eyes bigger and her nose slightly smaller looking. She was wearing different make up to. It made her brown eyes seem deeper, richer. All in all she looked very pretty.

Harry, of course, being a guy didn’t notice any of the things Hermione had done differently. The girl he saw in front of him was still the same girl he saw before Christmas, before Kiley, before any of the hormone stuff that had gone raging through him, telling him he needed to have a crush or the world would likely end. A little bit on the extreme, he knew, but it still felt that way.

“Well, Ron’s not one for picking girls, now is he? But, I guess he got something right when it comes to girls for once.” Hermione said, inflicting the first part with as much venom as she could without having Harry go into protective mode. What she didn’t know was that Harry had been in protective mode since the moment Kiley had said yes.

“Yes, Ron always did have some trouble in that department, but I think he’s found someone now. She’s a very good friend of mine and I know that they will last a long time,” Kiley said, reflecting back on the many different signals Ron had been sending to a certain girl at number twelve Grimmauld place daily, not realizing he was doing it.

“Oh, does he now?” she asked, slightly taken aback. Kiley nodded.

Ron chose that moment to walk in, carrying his muggle clothes in a neat roll.

“Oh, hey, Hermione!” Ron cried cheerfully. He secretly hoped that Hermione had apologized to Kiley. But she’s Aria, you dim wit, he silently scolded himself. He put his things away in his trunk and bounced back onto the bench.

“Hello, Ron,” she said with a nod and a tight smile in his direction.

“So, how’s it been goin, ‘Mione?” Ron asked her, trying to start up a conversation.

Hermione groaned inwardly. She hated that nickname. Absolutely and completely loathed it.

“It’s been going good, Ron. Spent time with my mum and dad over Christmas break. You know, all the usual stuff,” Hermione said, trying to think of a topic she could talk with about with Harry and only Harry.

“So, how’s Sirius?” she asked Harry.

Harry shrugged. “Same old, same old. Still has long hair, place is still dirty, Kelly is just as crazy as ever, he found out he had a son over break, umm, did I miss anything?” Harry asked Ron and Kiley.

“You forgot about the whole, was reunited with his one true love thing.” Kiley said, playing in on the joke.

Hermione’s mouth was dropped open, and you could just see the gears working in her head. Good old Hermione, Harry thought with satisfaction.

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, Sirius’s son is Draco, and his one true love is Narcissa,” Harry said cheerfully.

“How is that possible? Aren’t Sirius and Narcissa cousins?” Hermione asked with shock.

Harry, Kiley, and Ron mulled over this fact.

“No,” Kiley said slowly, a memory occurring to her. “Narcissa was adopted.”

“And how do you know this?” Hermione asked snidely. She’s making it up, Hermione reasoned. There’s no way she would know the answer. She’s a Weasely.

“She told me in one of her hysterical rants when I was a child.” She said, the memory coming on stronger. She was afraid that she would get sucked into it, but the loud bang of the door sliding open and closed scared her out of the memory.

Ron laughed slightly.

“What?” she asked him, shooting him a dirty look.

“You jumped,” he said sheepishly. She rolled her eyes and Harry smiled.

“Feisty, isn’t she?” Harry said, pulling at a lock of her hair and laughing when she smacked his hand away.

“Not as feisty as Kelly,” Kiley said grudgingly. “So, tell me, Ronald, when exactly are you going to ask dear Pauper out?” she smiled sweetly at Ron’s dumb founded look. His ears turned slightly red.

“It’s that obvious?”

“Yes,” Harry and Kiley said at the exact same time.

“Well, I don’t know, later perhaps,” Ron mumbled.

“Well, I hope later is now, because her she comes now,” sure enough, Kelly was sliding the door open with a pained expression.

“No one said I had to go through the sorting ceremony!” she muttered, flinging herself onto the bench that Ron was sitting, her feet on his lap. Ron’s ear’s turned even redder.

“It’s not that bad, trust me,” Kiley said, leaning over to pat her shoulder comfortingly.

“So, where’s Jason?” Ron asked, trying desperately to avoid the inevitable.

“Coming, I suppose,” she said, her pained voice muffled by the seat.

“You know,” Harry said, that Marauders glint in his eye, “I don’t think Ron would be so apposed as to letting you rest your head on his lap,”

Ron threw Harry a scared glance that was mixed with anger as Kelly shrugged and changed position, laying her head on his lap and closing her eyes. Ron’s whole face turned red.

“Great, so where do I get to sit?” Jason asked as he came in, noticing that both girls where laying down on the seats,

“The floor is always open,” Kiley suggested, not looking at him.

“Yeah right,” he scoffed. He picked Kiley’s legs up and settled himself under her feet.

“Or, you know that could work to,” she yawned. Harry’s hands stiffened in her hair.

“Seriously, Potter, calm down! This is not part of some grand scheme to steal your fiancée from you. Besides, I wouldn’t even need a scheme. All I would hafta do was let her know I was interested. She would come crawling to me, obviously,” Jason said, tugging at some of the fur on Kiley’s boots. Her leg came up and wacked him in the face. “Ow!” he cried.

They all laughed at his expression. Harry relaxed, stroking her hair again.

“Don’t even think about it, Peter,” Harry told him, looking down at Kiley. He heard the outraged gasp, but didn’t look up to see Jason’s face.

“So, about the Quidditch……” Kiley said, trailing off and looking up at Harry.

“What about it?” he asked, playing with a piece of her hair.

“I wanna join the team.” She replied, giving him a fierce smile.

“Well, I need to see how you play.” Harry said, growing wary, “I really don’t want you to play either.”

“Why not?” she asked, growing indignant.

“Quidditch is a very dangerous sport!” he told her.

Kiley rolled her eyes and smiled at him. “Harry, it’ll be fine. I’ve played with Malfoy before!!”

“Yeah, but, he likes you…” Harry grumbled, knowing he was loosing.

Kiley smiled again and closed her eyes. Harry looked at her peaceful face, trying to find the real Kiley in her features.

He could definably see her real face when she wasn’t moving around so much and her eyes where closed. Her mouth was opened slightly, forming a small, but perfect O. he could see her in her lips, her freckles, and her nose. She almost looked the same.

Harry felt the loll of the train start to make him tired. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, resolving to take a quick nap before the train got to the station.

Everything that was forbidden(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now