"Is it a good thing though?" Sif asked playfully, earning a scoff from the warrior in question and a snicker from Volstagg

The princess sighed as she unclipped the leather sheath from her back and thighs, placing them on the floor before joining her best friend, sitting rather tensely on the couch.

Aria leant her elbows on her knees, bringing her clapped hands to her chin. Her tired eyes followed each spark and snap of the roaring fire, watching the barely visible smoke travel from the core of the flames, out into the atmosphere.

"We should never have let him go." Volstagg groaned from where he sat, rethinking where they went wrong

Closing her eyes with a sigh, Sif slowly turned her head to her friend, "there was no stopping him."

The group sighed, knowing that Sif was right, knowing Thor's stubbornness was going to get him killed one day, and most likely themselves as well.

"At least he's only banished, not dead." Fandral began, suddenly turning serious as he glanced between the four warriors, "Which is what we'd all be if that guard hadn't told Odin where we'd gone."

Aria sighed, knowing Fandral was, for once in his life, not speaking nonsense, before turning her gaze to her brother who had been uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal. Aria's eyebrows knit together as she watched her older brother stare questioningly at his arm, turning his hand over continuously, as if he was waiting for something to shift in the new light.

Hogun walked over to Fandral, glancing at his slowly healing arm before rubbing the wound soothingly "How did the guard even know?" Volstagg asked what all the others were thinking

Loki looked towards the group, a neutral expression on his face, "I told him." he said simply, expressionlessly, as he watched as all movement seemed to stop in the room.

The five warriors snapped their heads in the gods direction, puzzled, wondering why the god was being so casual about the events that were occurring.

"What?" Fandral snapped, confused, in the princes direction

"Loki?" Aria asked softly, turning to fully face her raven haired brother

"I told him to go to Odin after we'd left." Loki stated, almost as if it was the most obvious thing in all the nine realms, "He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim." the god rushed out annoyed.

"You told the guard?" Volstagg accused, rather aggressively, as the goddess hastily stood up from her seat

"Loki, are you mad?" she nearly shouted, "you didn't think to tell us that?"

"I saved our lives" Loki indicated monotony "and Thor's."

"Loki, you wouldn't have had to save anyone! if you thought this was such a bad idea that you had to alert father, you should have voiced your bloody opinion before we even got to the stables instead of suggesting such stupidity to our brother!" Aria raged, annoyed with the fact that the god would go through such lengths to avoid going to Jotunheim when he was the one who suggested it

"Yes, well, I had no idea Father would banish him for what he did." Loki defended himself, "it's Thor" he said with furrowed brows as he turned towards his younger sister "did you really think father would do this?"

Aria stayed silent, knowing she was just as shocked as he, seeing the result of Thor's actions.

Sif stood up from the seating, making her way towards the raven haired god, "Loki, Aria," she said softly, near whisper, drawing the gods' attention in, "You two must go to the Allfather and convince him to change his mind." she pleaded

"And if I do, then what?" Loki asked, not removing his gaze from the warrior, "I love Thor more dearly than any of you, with the exception of my sister, but you know what he is." he admitted, voice turning sharp, "He's arrogant. He's reckless. He's dangerous. You saw how he was today." he spat the words out as if it were poison, looking around the room to get his point across, before staring back at the black haired warrior, "is that was Asgard needs from its king?" he asked rhetorically before turning to storm out of the room

"Yes, he may be all that, but he's still our brother!" the slightly edged voice of his sister stopped the god in his stacks, his heart nearly sinking at the thought of his sister taking Thor's barely existent side, "Loki," she said softly, in contrast to her near venomous tone from her previous sentence.

The god did not turn around as he heard the sound of his sister walking slowly towards him, "we have to at least try"

With an expressionless face, the god turned on his heel to meet the determined face of his baby sister.

"And you think mother already hasn't?" Loki scoffed, Arias face morphing into one of defeat, "it's probable Mother has already spoken to father, and so far, nothing has changed, if mother cannot change our fathers mind, what hope for us?" the god didn't wait a moment to see the goddesses reaction before storming out of the room

Aria sighed, rubbing a tired hand down her face

"He may speak about the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor." Sif dragged out, turning to face the group

Shaking his head in thought, Volstagg shuffled his fingers before exchanging glances throughout the room, "We should be grateful to him. He saved our lives."

Hogun, who had been facing the walls, back to the group in thought, turned around once more to face his comrades, "Laufey said there were traitors in the House of Odin." he said lowly, surveying the others' pondering reactions "a master of magic could bring three Jotuns into Asgard." he suggested

Fandral looked up at her friend in disbelief, "Why is it every time you choose to speak, it has to be something dark and ominous?"

Aria nealy scoffed at her friend's implication, "Surly Loki has had his lows, but he would never betray Asgard in such ways. Nor The house of Odin", folding her arms across her chest, the goddess moved to stand next to the couch, forming an oval with the group of warriors

"Loki's always been one for mischief, but you're talking about something else entirely." Fandral spoke, voice sharp as a knife, agreeing with the princess

The group pondered for a moment in silence, thinking of ways to perhaps get their friend back.

The princess looked beyond the open wall. It was becoming night in the realm of Asgard. Looking towards her friends, she uncrossed her arms and moved to pick up her discarded armour.

"I best go drop these in my chambers before I check up on him, to make sure he's alright after the day's events." she began as she moved to give each warrior a hug, "you all should go to your chambers as well, it's getting rather late"

Removing her arms around Fandral, she moved to wrap her small frame around her best friend, kissing her on the cheek lightly before waving to the group

"Will do, your highness" Fandral teased before the group mock bowed, grins etched upon their faces

Rolling her eyes playfully, the princess strode down the halls, heading towards the golden palace at the centre of Asgard, wondering if she would ever see her eldest brother again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

{A/N} Wow! hey it's been a minute, I hope you all liked this chapter and i'm sorry for not posting writers block is annoying, I also wanna thank all of you for your feedback and comments and for reading and voting! y'all are incredible.

Anyhow I hope your all staying safe and happy and having a wonderful day, love you guys!

oh also, if you want to email me any requests for the story or thoughts my email for this account is:


I love hearing your guys' ideas for this story! I love each and every one of you and I hope you have a great day/night/evening!

stay safe

- Jess

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