Chapter 1

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"Mafuyu...Mafuyu....MAFUYUU!!!", mafuyu jumped out of bed breathing heavily. He had nightmares occasionally. They were almost always about Yuki, but ever since he met Uenoyama he had less and less nightmares.
Mafuyu sat up im bed trying to catch his breath. He looked over at the time. It was 5 in the morning School started at 7. Mafuyu slowly got out of bed and opened his door. As he opened it Tama came barking and licking at his feet.
"Tama give me a sec I have to get ready for school", Mafuyu said as he pet Tama on the head and put him on his bed.
Time skip because as much as I would love to write about my baby Mafuyu undressing......but i ain't that great of a writer
Mafuyu went into the kitchen ready for school he saw his mom cooking his breakfeast.
"Hey mafuyu good morning", she said without looking at him.
"Mornin", mafuyu replied back quitely.
Mafuyus mom moved out when Yuki died, but she suddenly visited the last night and said she would stay over for a few days.
Mafuyus mom sat a plate of eggs and sausages infront of him.
"M-mafuyu...", his mom began to say hesistantly...."Yuki's mom told me that Shinso is coming back to Japan...she says hes on break."
Mafuyu froze..he dropped his spoon back into his plate and didnt respond.
"M-mafuyu..", his mom said finnaly turning to look at him. "Yukis mom says that hes excited to see you and he might decide to go to your school.....", his mom went on looking at mafuyu nervously as she waited for a response.
"That's nice...", Mafuyu said. Mafuyus mom always found him hard to understand....she knew mafuyu had a hardtime expressing his feelings....he had been like that since his father abused him when he was a kid.

Though when he was with Yuki he began to express himself more and more. Though even though Yuki and Shinso were twins Mafuyu never managaed to get close to shinso.
Mafuyu got up and said goodbye as it was time for him to go to school. "Have a good day mafuyu!!", his mom said as he shut the door.

Authors note..ok this was short and im sorry..most of the chapters will probably be short. The reason being because im going to be uploading this like everyday. Anyways thx for reading hope you liked the first chapter. My otp will always be Yuki x Mafuyu. What are your guys otps in given?

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