PARTING DAYS: Chapter G- Gap Between Two Views Part 1

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*This chapter continue chapter F plotpoint trough Poki Flashback.*

" Let me tell you a little story, Rae. A story filled with sorrow. A story filled with regrets, a story filled with compassionate, a story...."

She interrupted her.

Rae: " Ok,ok. I get it. Just get to the point please."


It happened a while ago. I had some shooting to do at the house at the time, so I went in there.

The green man was there, suspiciously saluating me.

Rae: " Green man, lol. That's a first."

" Do you know what he asked first after? Do you know what he asked?!"

Rae: " Aren't you getting a little too excited about that story? Anyway, what did the g-g-gree..."

She contained her laugh.

Rae: " What did the gre...what did he say?"

She waved her whole arm as to accentuate her narration.

" He said " Oh, I tought Rae was coming with you,Poki." "

Rae: " And?"

She finally started the flashback.

GAP BETWEEN TWO VIEWS- Subchapter: No need to be shy about it

" Did you want her to come, per chance ?" , she asked in awe.

Sykkuno: " Y-yeah, that would have been cool."

" Rae's pretty interesting, right?"

Sykkuno: " Yeah, she's pretty cracked."

She grabbed his arm and directed him to a place where they couldn't be heard. She approached his ear and whispered.

" Do you want me to convince her to come here?"

Sykkuno: " N-no! I don't wanna make her come here if she's busy! "

She put her phone back in her bag.

" That's true."

As she put it back , she felt the urge to ask him something.

" Well, I made you come here so it wouldn't be too awkward for you to answer my question. I've been curious about it for a while. "

Sykkuno: " What question?"

" Are you interested in Rae?"

As soon as she dropped the bomb that was this interrogation, it was almost like he was stopped at one point in time.

Sykkuno: " Can you repeat that for a second?"

She stood firm in front of him in the wait of an answer.

" I'll repeat it as many times as you want. Are you interested in Rae?"

She could feel something coming a mile away. 

Sykkuno: " That's silly. You know how it is right?"

" Please, spare me the catchphrases. It's more about what you think rather than what others think so that go-to sentence wouldn't work there."

As soon as she said that, his gaze was driven at the floor while a hot sensation rose from his face.

" (He's blushing)", she tought.

Sykkuno: " Maybe a little ...Why are you asking me this?"

" What would you do if she ever found someone? "

He could notice the seriousness of the expression on her face.

Sykkuno: " I'd be happy for her and the lucky one."

She stroked his hair.

" You're far too nice for your own good. Sometimes, it's okay to be do something for oneself . You should realise that. "

Sykkuno: " Isn't that a bad thing ?"

"  Would you say if you bought an ice cream to satisfy your hunger during winter is a bad thing?"

Sykkuno:" Why are we talking about ice creams?"

" This is a metaphor. "

She had finished explaining about what had happened. The receptor of the conversation had a muddled expression.

P.s: So I kind of surprised myself with how fast the writing had been going. It will probably my longest one shot and be a lot plot heavy. 27 chapters for this one are planned. Wich will conclude the Volume 1 of these stories . 3 chapters are still coming Saturday tho. H,I and J chapters. On another note, while I was correcting something in chapter 2 of the whole volume, I noticed I had garnered 6.4k at least views on my one shot. I may fo something in commemoration of it.

Random fact: My favourite to write was "food propositions" so the bonus may be about that

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