Meeting the Akatsuki

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I suck at fanfics 

(Author notes)

(Editor's notes)



"Kuruma Speaking"

"Tobi's Evil side"

"Tobi's Perverted Side thinking"

"Kuruma Thinking"

(One more thing I suck at writing. And there's minor maybe swearing. This was a waste of your time wasn't it)


After Kakashi "killed" Rin. (yes were starting early in the story ) Obito was about to leave but decide to stay a little bit longer. "I'm sorry" said Kakashi he was crying.

Tobi Pov:

I saw Bakashi crying. Bakashi.Is.Crying. No way Bakashi's crying, he never cry even if he killed someone he wouldn't feel remorse. I left right after that thinking about what I saw. I went back to Madara's hide out which in this case a very big- no large hole in the side of somewhere, I don't really know cause I always shushined (I forgot how it's spelled) there because Madara always told me to. He also told me that there two things I should hate the world and especially the Senju clan. He told me that there is this man called Tobirama who always makes fun of him as a kid and how they had fights it actually sounded nice. Until he told me about the greatest fight they had it was not only verbally but also physically they stop being friends and without Tobirama by his side he learnt how the world could be so cruel. I felt like I had no choice but to go on with what he said but today wasn't fair. Big brother Madara told me to join the Akatsuki, sure I am a bad guy but I'm stuck with a bunch of S ranked criminals "Can this day get any worse" I thought as a walked into the Akatsuki lair it was actually pretty nice they had a kitchen, rooms for the members, a garden and a pool. "Well fuck" I was begging not to come and now I wish I came here's sooner. So much for Hypocrisy, but I was lonely without Madara and I am the youngest  so I was pretty much dramatic, so my first impression to the others Akatsuki members was the worst, I needed my morning coffee and without my coffee I was a mess and pretty much sucked. So the Akatsuki basically saw on their first day. Pein-sama dragging me on the ground while I sang "I'm so lonely , Mr. lonely, So terribly lonely" I continued "That I'm too tired to sing this stupid song!"  I sang very fast. Then my eyes darted all over the place until they saw the Uchiha's coffee. I instantly got of the floor and stole the Uchiha's coffee not that I was faster than him or anything it was just the fact that he was shocked that I stole his coffee. "Hey my coffee" he scream. I drank it quickly and threw the cup at him and quickly started talking like a over hyper energetic 5 years old. "Hey guys I so glad I'm in the Akatsuki. I have so much to say, woah are are those handmouths- oh look what a cool scythe- Oh look a sharky- woah is that nail polish- and hey..." And I fell asleep, I woke up I think it was the next day, I had a cup of coffee I was about to take a sip of it but the rude Uchiha snatched it out of my hands, "Hey!" I screamed. "That's what you get for stealing my coffee" he replied. I sighed I guess that was fair anyways I make my way to the others Akatsuki members, "Let's start over" I say "My name's..." "I remember that i'm not allowed to say my real name and my clan", so I just say "Tobi, and I'm a good boy". "I am very proud to call myself a good boy", "Deidera, un" I hear someone say . Then more of them say there name's "Itachi,hn", "Kisame, it a nice to meet you", "My name's is Konan dearie", "Pein, but just call me leader-sama", "Zetsu", "Kakuzu...",(forgot how to spell his name)"Sasori of the Red Sand" and finally "My fucking name is Hidan". (i'm not sure if I did all ) "So, basically : Deidera-Sempai, Itachi-san, Kisame, Konan-chan, Pein-sama, Kakuzu, Sasori-san and Hidan" I tell them, I hear groans and face-palms. "Anyways" I says trying to lift up the mood "What about your powers and were you are from...", (Quick warning I don't know were they are from so I'm just guessing)"Zetsu: You don't need to know my powers and we are from the earth.", "Deidera: You will find out my power soon enough if you piss me of and I'm from Stone.", "Kisame: Mostly focuses on water jutsu's and I'm from the mist.", "Itachi" Mine are Genjustu and others you don't need to know i'm from.... the leaf.", "Sasori" My powers are controlling puppets and I'm from the sand."(I'm not sure if the sand is a village or if it's Suna)"Pein: All you need to know that i'm a-", "Konan:  I would like to keep mine and Pein's status a secret please. ", "Kakuzu/Hidan: I don't give two fucks about my whereabouts and my powers." Then they all looked at me "What?" I said "Oh, now that I think about it I never said my powers and where i'm from oopsies". "I'm from everywhere and my powers are cool" I say, they look at me like i'm crazy, "Deidera: Your from everywhere, Okay I get that Zetsu said he was from the earth but everywhere? Also how we sure that your power is cool if we don't know it?". "One" I begin to say " I am from everywhere and Two I wouldn't lie about my powers". "Deidera: But-" "Pein: That's enough everyone go back to your rooms also I would like to talk to Konan, Sasori and Itachi everyone else you dismissed." I go back to my room... not really I would never miss an opportunity to spy on someone I hide my chakra and go to the room there talking in I sense Deidera-Sempai and Hidan chakra. "Pein: Deidera and Hidan go back to your rooms." "That strange " I thought "Why didn't he call out my name, eh nvm it's time for spying" I missed most of it all I heard was Itachi say "He was a big threat to Kohona", Sasori-san say "I put a spy in my jutsu to go infiltrate his base and Orichimaru easily remove my jutsu and made him one of his servants"  and last of all I got sleepy so I didn't know who said that but I really think it was Pein-sama "Pein???: Itachi, Sasori go to your rooms and Zetsu give me Orichimaru's  location an after 1 hour call in Tobi and everyone to come." "Zetsu: He's at ******** sector 16" (I honestly don't know.) After I heard the locations I went back to sleep it didn't take me a second to fall asleep I started dreaming of meeting the missing S ranked nin called Orichimaru.

Zetsu's Pov:

Tobi's Pov:

Pein-sama asked me if it's true and I said yes all the Akatsuki looked shocked I wonder why... Anyways Pein-sama told everyone to get a sleep I of course went outside the lair and  I went to ******** sector 16 I saw 2 peoples one that's Orichimaru and the other Kabuto. (Tobi listen some more and heard they appearance and they name's) "Hello" I said still staying in the shadows. "Orichimaru: Who'sss there, I know your in the Akatsuki but your voice is different than the othersss more like a child." "Hey!" I said "Who are calling a child", "You" he hissed. The guy named Kabuto asked if he should dispose of me "Dispose of me, Dispose on me! How dare he!" Orichimaru said no and asked me why i'm here. "I don't actually know I just heard someone talk about you, so I went to see you and before I went are check out all of your 55 bases I also  mapped them all out". "No way, you could have done that your a sssmall brat" Orichimaru said since he didn't believe and said I'm small I showed him my map of all of his 55 bases. He looked shocked so did Kabuto he told Kabuto to get rid of me so I quickly ran away and I never saw him again. But what I didn't know that Zetsu was watching me and told Pein-sama and Konan-chan the nerve! So I'm grounded and not allowed to leave the Akatsuki lair more the next years.

-Years later-

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto (Naruto Shippuden ) just finished a A rank mission and went to the Hokage's office to report the mission after a big boom came it was a villain called ______ (You choses the name i'm to lazy for that) came and then a big light engulfed them all...

Kakashi's Pov: 

I woke up and saw everyone was passed out. "Sensei" Naruto called "why i'm I eight years old", "Hn, your not the only one who 8 dobe all other teams are 8 kids" Sasuke said. "Yeah but the villagers and the small kids didn't change years only us shinobi" Sakura chimed in "How old are you Sensei" Sakura takes out a mirror and gives it to me "I'm 12" I say "Couldn't you tell my age from my face". "No" Sakura says "You look very short to be 12 I thought you were 8 like us..." I got angry she insulted my height! I sigh "Let's check Gai and the others" I say, went to Gai, Asuma and Kurunai. Sasuke was right the others were 8 and 12 years old, Sakura ran up to Lee hey who are you again? "My dear Sakura do you not remember me it's me Lee." "Lee!" Sakura shouted both she, Naruto and Sasuke were shocked. "Naruto: But, but, but why don't you have the green spandex and big bushy eyebrows". "That's because he hasn't met Might Gai yet." Then Gai came In and started saying a long speech about youth. The Hokage called all the teams we all went to the Hokage's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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