So Tired

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Aaina looked at the mirror. She looked at her reflection. She looked so tired. She had dark circle around her eyes. She slept for only 2 hours for 5 five days. She has to do household works, look after the children and also go to work. She wanted to bring a maid to help her out a little but her husband disagreed to that saying that it was a waste of money.

Aaina continued working very hard. One day she was in the office and kept walking. A colleague of her called out to her but she didn't respond. The colleague shook her to make her realize where she was. She came back to her senses. "This is dangerous. You really need a break," said her colleague. She nodded her head. She went to her boss's cabin and asked him for a small break. She needed a break. He agreed to give her a break.

Aaina thought that will help. But it didn't help much. She still had household works and looked after her kids. After a week, she started vomiting. Her husband thought she is pregnant and was excited. He asked her to rest and stop working at both office and home. But she refused that she is pregnant. She said she didn't feel like she is pregnant. Her husband just laughed and took her to a doctor. The doctor confirmed that she wasn't pregnant.

Aaina was having an infection because she wasn't able to consume food enough and because her whole body was weak. Her husband immediately realized that Aaina needs rest and got a maid for the home. Aaina started to recover and from that day she felt light and healthier as she doesn't have to do all the work.

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