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"Love Alarm" revolves around the story of a technology that enables users to discover love through an application that notifies whether someone within the vicinity of a 10-meter radius has romantic feelings for them.


Dark brown eyes observed the colourful gliding skates on the ice. Laughs and cheerful voices sounded through the building as people skated, a breathtaking smile was planted on Kim Jin-ae's face as she stared at her younger sister and their friends skate around on the cold ice.

She would be skating her heart out as well if it wasn't for the one-thousand word essay she had to work on. Inhaling a deep breath, she seized her mechanical pencil and started jotting down on the fresh lined paper.

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Walking on the sidewalk next to her sister, Kim Jo-jo, and their friend Kim Jang-go on the busy street, Jin-ae skimmed through the journal looking for a third part-time job to pay their mother's debt.

"Hey, how come you guys don't have love alarm?" Kang-go questioned her two friends ,who didn't install the love application, catching both of their attention as she went through Jo-jo's phone.

"We don't need it." Jo-jo answered for the both of them, they had their own problems and a relationship wasn't an option at the moment.

"Hey, then what about Il-sik? He can't even ring his love alarm with you." She continued to press on, bringing her sister's boyfriend into the questioning.

Jin-ae let out a tired sigh as she tucked the news paper under her arms. She didn't see the point in getting the app, it seemed like a hassle for popular or well known people, the constant ringer of the app blaring every time fans see them or is in the 10-meter radius. It must be tiring and annoying..well unless they like the attention.

"Gosh..why does that matter?" Jo-jo's voice interrupted her train of thoughts, quickly glancing in their direction feeling a mini argument forming.

"You should break up if it doesn't ring. Why bother dating him?" Jang-go persisted, confusing Jin-ae.

'Does jang-go like Il-sik?'

"Why don't you ask your mom to get a new phone? She continued, handing Jo-jo her phone back, with a frown. The word mom making Jin-ae freeze for a second.

"Gosh, I want to live away from my mom like you guys do. Your aunt never nags you, right?"

'Jang-go..you don't want what we have..' Jin-ae thought sadly, observing the cracks in the cement ground.

"Gul-mi nags us all the time though." Jin-ae countered her belief with a small smile stretched on her face.

"Oh yeah..right, I forgot about that." she sheepishly apologized, forgetting about their spoiled cousin.

"That's what I thought." Jo-jo grinned, letting out a chuckle along with her sister.

Suddenly remembering something Jang-go abruptly turned to the siblings, " Hey, you'll both visit your parents' place on our trip to Jeju , right? Take me and Il-sik too. Let's get your mom to cook us something nice." She smiled brightly

Jin-ae, who was busy searching in the paper again, tightened et grip on the paper, heartbeat accelerating. Memories of that awful night flashing rapidly in her mind.

𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙰𝙻𝙰𝚁𝙼 ➪𝙷𝚆𝙰𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝚄𝙽-𝙾𝙷Where stories live. Discover now