asking clay

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clay's that one guy that stands out of the crowd, the guy that doesn't let the opinions of others influence him, someone who puts his friends first, and doesn't stop until justice is served.

as i was leaving the prison that is my school i happened to be walking past the bike racks where i knew clay would be unlocking his bike and saw it as the best chance i would get to ask him to go to the party with me

"y/n you never walk this way" he said with a confused smile
i laughed shyly
"i wanted to ask you something"

his posture stiffened and his breathing intensified.

his nerves jumped onto me like a disease as i dug for courage to mutter any words, i watched him awkwardly as he rested his hand behind his neck while his eyes shifted every direction apart from mine
"ask away" he swallowed
"i, you uh... wanna go to...that.. hangout party sorta thing on saturday?" i stuttered

his eyes widened and i saw a spark of excitement before he buried it under his mellow expression.

"yeah..yeh with you?"
"ye i guess" i half whispered as i concentrated on his shoes, i didn't like clay like that, well i didn't think i did but suddenly i fought to not stare into his eyes, my neediness over took me as i looked into them, i had seen them a million times before but this time... was different, i saw something but moreover i felt something.

one glance at those blue eyes told of a lifetime of struggle that was incomparable in words.

"so ill pick you up at seven?"
his voice seized me back into reality
"yeh see you then" i smiled and walked off

the party actually starts at nine, but for some reason i didn't tell him that.
why? i don't know
ugh okay fine! i guess i wouldn't mind spending 2 extra hours alone with clay, i admitted to myself guiltily as i fumbled for my house keys.

13 reasons why X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora