Part 2

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The end of the week came slowly but, eventually, Friday came and it was time for me to head to the Burrow.

“Have you got everything?” Dad asked as he set my trunk down by the fireplace.

“Think so” I nodded “if I forget anything you can just send it over.” Dad stared at me with a raised eyebrow. “Or not” I muttered.

If you have happened to have missed anything then I’ll send it to you but I’d rather not have to.”

I frowned at him before saying “well thanks, dad, it’s not as if I’m asking you to lift more than two fingers” as I stepped into the fireplace. “Oh” I jumped, almost bashing my head on the wall of the fireplace “I need money for my school stuff.” I grinned at him and held out my hand. He sighed, rolled his eyes and reached up into the mantel before passing me a small sack full of, what I assumed to be, money. It was insanely heavy.

“You’re allowed a broom in your second year” he told me “if and only if there’s enough left over, you can buy one.”

“Seriously?” I asked “you’re letting me buy a broom?”

“Only if-”

“Yeah, yeah” I cut him off “I get it. Thanks dad!”

I’d not even considered buying myself a broom but I knew that, if I wanted to try out on the Gryffindor team, I’d need a good one and even if there isn’t enough money left over I knew that I’d have enough anyway because Narcissa keeps putting money into my Gringotts vault.

Dad eyed me for a second before grabbing the pot of floo powder and offering it to me. I grabbed a handful and was just about to dump it at my feet when he said “behave or I’ll have you back here before you can even try to utter an apology.”

I grinned at him and said goodbye before throwing the floo powder at my feet and saying “The Burrow!”

The Burrow was cluttered, messy, noisy and very busy but it was amazing. It was warm, welcoming, cosy and…well…it felt like a home should. My house is dark, gloomy and cold and it’s been like that for as long as I can remember; of course I love it because it’s my home and it’ll always be my home but I knew that I could become addicted to The Burrow if I wasn’t careful.

I was busy inspecting a mug which seemed to be cleaning itself when somebody entered the kitchen and said “oh hi!” right behind me, making me jump right out of my skin and into a towering pile of clean laundry.

It was dark for a brief moment before a woolly jumper was pulled off my face and Fred Weasley was grinning at me “Fred Weasley, you almost gave me a heart attack!” I wheezed as he pulled me out of the laundered mess, laughing so hard that I had to wonder how he was still on his feet.

“What’s going on in here?” I heard Ron ask before, not a moment later, he walked into the room with Hermione and Harry right on his heel.

“Your brother’s trying to kill me prematurely” I replied as I stared at Harry “and where the hell have you been, Potter?”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now