Chapter 11

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I nodded and made my way towards his desk. He spent a few moments just looking at me. He finally sighed, "You answered all the questions correct."

I nodded with a slight smile and said, "I like potions." At his nod, I continued, "This might seem an... odd question, but did you know my mother?"

Snape looked shocked then a bit wary and said, "Why?"

I looked down and said, "My mother had diaries in our family vault. Just this last summer I learned about my parents, and my vaults. I read them. You name was mentioned several times, and she seemed to think very highly of you."

Snape looked shocked and said, "You did not... know about your parents?"

I shook my head and looked angry, "No Sir. I learned I was a witch when I got my letter this summer, and about my heritage when I went to Gringotts this past summer. I was put with my Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon."

Snape looked surprised, and not in a good way, "You were with...Petunia?"

I nodded and said, "I no longer reside there. They were horrible. I'll forever be a freak in their eyes, and apparently, I look enough like my mother that that's all Aunt Petunia saw. I stayed at the Leaky and have employed Andromeda Tonks as my solicitor so I can either be re-homed or emancipated."

Snape looked livid, "That's ridiculous. When will you find out the ruling?"

I shrugged and said, "I am seeing her this Christmas." Snape nodded and looked lost in thought. I hated to interrupt his morbid thinking, but I had to ask. I never got the chance my last life, and I was taking it this one, "Professor. Would... would you talk about my mother to me. Sometime? I don't really know much about her."

Snape looked soft, for the first time in both of my lives, and said softly, "Of course."

I beamed and said, "Thank you Sir! May I be excused for Transfiguration?"

He nodded and I quickly fled the classroom. I could tell my little niblits of information would make him question Dumbledore. I could only hope he took a more open interest in me.

I made my way toward Susan after dropping Snape's note on Professor McGonagall's desk, pretending to not know she was the cat. I sat next to Susan and she looked concerned, "Are you alright Harri?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah. He just wanted to know how I knew the answers. I told him the truth. I like potions. I also learned recently he and my mother were friends, so we talked about her for a bit."

We went quiet when suddenly the doors burst open, with Ronald and Dean running in. They both slumped in their desks at the back. I could hear Ron gasp, "Thank Merlin we got here before Professor McGonagall came, mate."

Dean just looked tired and nodded.

Professor McGonagall, the cat, jumped into the air and turned into her human self. Several students gasped in surprise, and Dean looked pale.

Ron looked impressed and said, "Wicked."

She looked directly at them and said, "Thank you. Maybe I should transfigure you into a pocket watch, that way you would be one time." The class snickered and she continued, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts." She then turned her desk into a pig and then back into a desk.

We all clapped, suitably impressed, and she gave a small smile. She then immediately went into theory and everyone was stuck taking notes. I was glad that this was the last class for the day. 

Susan and I decided to spend our free period in the common room and go over our notes for class. Some other Hufflepuffs were in there, and it was here that I met Cedric Diggory.

 Some other Hufflepuffs were in there, and it was here that I met Cedric Diggory

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He came over with some friends and said, "Hello Potter."

I tried to look surprised and I said, "Hello. I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

His friends behind him snickered and he had a feint blush on his cheeks when he answered, "My name is Cedric Diggory."

I gave him a beaming smile and said, "Merry meet Diggory!"

He rubbed the back of his neck and then said, "Well. I just wanted to say hello." He then abruptly turned around and he and his friends left the common room.

I looked to Susan and she smirked "Looks like someone likes you."

I snorted and waved my hand, "I doubt that. He's what, two or three years older than me? We're eleven Susan."

She laughed and said, "You don't realize how pretty you are, do you?" At my incredulous look, she continued, "Plus, your famous. That's bound to attract suitors."

This train of thought surprised me. In my last life I had no time for suitors. I was too busy fighting for my life (which will be easier this time around) and then too busy being an Auror. All I saw when I looked at Cedric was his dead eyes. I still have nightmares about it.

I gave her a wry smile and said, "Well. I'm not going to worry about it until later."

Susan just shrugged and asked if I wanted to head to dinner. I agreed.

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