Therise of Voltron

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5 male figures walked into a circler room 8 smaller circles on the ground with two blue lines that get wider in the middle in all 8 circles pillars that are coming from the floor to the ceiling and a podium like  structure in the middle. "Hello?" The big man with an orange bandana on, light-ish brown skin, adorable chocolate brown eyes, a yellow long sleeved shirt brown pants that goes about four inchs above the ankle and gray black and orange boots that covers up his ankles and the rest of his leg that was showing skin and a green black brown and orange jacket with no sleeves and stops in the middle of his ;larger torso than the rest, two box like thinks that goes around his waist one on each side and black fingerless gloves said. "Where are we?" a slim figure one of the tallest of the males his light-ish brown skin glows in the blue light in blue jeans and a big tounge gray shoes a gray shirt with a blue collar a gray black green and white jacket that goes just below his waist his short brown hair waving around as he walks, his ocean blue eyes scan the room said.  "it is some kind of control room." The shortest of the bunch he had white-ish skin big light brown eyes with round glasses on the bridge of his nose orange black and white high tops gray shorts that goes just above his knees, a turtle neck green white and orange long sleeved shirt his puffy light brown hair said as he looked at the podium. The podium beeped as it finish showing the blue 'W' as it glowed with three diamonds glowing blue around the 'W'.  All the male figures gasp as three pods white metal in the back and blue glass in the front appeared out of 3 of the 8 circles smoke filled the room as they appeared...  The big man hid behind the podium and the four others looked around startled "Are these guys... Dead?" Questioned the big man. One of the pods glowed bright blue as the glass slowly disappeared, to reveal a woman with dark-ish brown skin, elf like ears, eyes closed, purple pyramid earrings floating just below her ear, her lushes white hair pressed against the back of the pod, a golden headband with a blue triangle wrapping around her forehead, with a long sleeved long white light blue dark blue and pink at the end dress, and white and gold boots, and gold bands around her wrist, with a pink and white outlined cape that stops just below the back of her knees, and pink tip of an arrow markings just below her eyes. Her eyes fly open to reveal gorgeous light blue eyes as she gasp a fell forward. "Father!" She cried. The slim man rushes and catches her before she hit the ground. She looked up at the man who caught her and the said man blushed and two beats of sweat appeared on his cheeks and his ocean blue eyes pop, his eyebrows quirked. He gives a nervous smile before getting himself together and smirking "Hello~." He said smoothly as his teeth somehow sparkled a star. "Who are you, where am I?" She question panicky as she looked around confused. "I'm Lance." He said and the girl looked at him "And you're right here in my arms~." He said in a flirtish manor. "Your ears..." She said discussed written on her face. Lance glanced to the side "Yeah?" He questioned confused "They're hideous. What is wrong with them?" She said as she removed her hand away from his shoulder with a frown while lance's face turned into a scowl as he gritted his teeth and growled. "Nothing is wrong with them!" Lance snapped back "They heard exactly what you said about them!" Lance screamed as the girl put a hand to his ear and as quick as a cheetah she turned his around grabbed his ear and pinned him down with him on his knees. She pulled his ear and tear threatened to spill out of Lance's eyes. She had a demanding face as she said "Who are you? Where is King Alfor? Why are you in my castle?!" lance groaned in pain. "A giant Blue Lion brought us here! That's all we know!" Lance cried out "How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to its paladin!?" The girl demanded as she semi-yelled and questioned. She stood up and let go of Lance's ear and questioned mostly to herself "Why are all of you here, unless..." Lance stood up also and held his poor ear. As the big man was hiding behind A man with a robotic arm with no sleeve while the other arm has a light gray sleeve that goes down to his wrist with a vest of the colors Light gray Dark gray black and yellow a belt with two brown boxes on his waist with black pants and black and dark gray combat boots Black pricing eyes a scar across his nose black hair with white in the front. And everyone was in a defense position. "How long has it been?!" She asked panickily. "We don't know what you are talking about. Why don't you tell us who you are, then maybe we could help." The white and black haired male said "I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea. I've got to find where we are and how long we have been asleep" She stated as she walked to the podium "Okay- That's how that works" The smallest said with a dumbfounded face. Then both of the other two pods open one taking longer then the other the one the opened the quickest revealed a man with orange hair and mustache A white dark blue light blue and dark gray jumpsuit and black dark blue and yellow boots the same elf like ear Allura had white and light blue gloves and blue marking underneath his eyes like Allura's. The one taking longer reveled a woman that looked about in between her 16-20's she had long Neon blue hair that fades into black with a purple streak a scaley like texture on her cheek bone she hade pale skin a white dress the goes down to her knees four golden lines in the front of the drees with a dark blue jacket the stops at her waist and a neon blue heart shaped necklace around her neck in black combat boots and purple fingerless gloves. The mans eyes flew opened to reveal light gray eyes and the girls eyes flew open to reveal... Red eyes!? The man gasps and yelps "Enemy Combatants!" He screams and jumps out of the pod and tries to kick the man from the air he grunts when Lance stepped to the side and groans when he hits the ground. The girl looks over at the orange haired male a springs into action she dashes at the speed of light at lance grasp his arm twisted it behind his back. "Again!" Lance yelled as the girl pinned said man to the ground face first. "Enemy detected on castle soil." She stated he voice was like an angle to the 5 strangers in the room. "Quiznack! You're lucky I had the case of the old 'Sleep chamber knees'" The orange haired man said as his eyes twitched and eyes widened as he saw the girl. The computer beeps and Allura gasps "It can't be..." "What is it?" The orange haired male said and so did the girl in unison. Allura's face saden "We've been asleep for 10,000 years..." She said sadly.

Voltron Legendary Defenders of The Universe; The Last Half-Dragon; Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن