Now I was outside the house waiting for Mio to come.

I asked Kurumi to take care of Sawa and she happily agreed. When I gave her Sawa she was very happy in inside but wasn't showing much on outside.

The door then opened and I then saw Mio in her Reine form coming out.

Mio: Lets go!!!

Y/n: Yeah.

3rd POV

They then started our hangout.

Mio: So where we will be going?

Y/n: Hmm...... First we will go to Amusement Park then Your Cream Puffs Restraunt then a mall and in last a park.

Mio: I see. Well I know you just made the plan. Right?

Y/n: ...........................................

Little did she know, that Y/n surfed more than 1000+ websites, read 10000 books about women and dates and what they like.

A special note, Y/n treats Date as hangout also.

Then 2 hours of plan making.

Y/n: ....Yeah.

They then went to Amusement Park.

Y/n: So where will you like to go first?

Mio: *hands under chin* Hmm...... *Clasps hands* Yep let's go to-


Y/n: You sure this is safe for you?

They were on Drop Tower.

Mio: Yep!! And what do you think I am some kind of baby!?!?

Y/n: *turns around not facing Mio* Who knows?

Mio: WHAT!?!?-*suddenly the rides starts* WHAA!!!!

Y/n: .................

Then it goes up and at the maximum height the whole city was visible.

Mio: Beautiful.

Y/n: Yeah.

Mio: I wonder if-*suddenly the rides go down* WHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Y/n: .......................

Then they were at bottom again.

Mio: I thought *rides starts again* WHAAAAAA!!!!

Y/n: ..............................


Now they were at Roller Coaster.

Mio: Look let me tell you Tony raise your hands, Put the seat lock tightly then *suddenly the light starts again* WHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Y/n: .......Wha*monotone voice*.....

(Timeskip brought you by the roller coaster tracks got Destroyed and then it started flying in the sky. How?you know the answer already.)

Now they were at mall. Mio already ate 50 cream puffs and packed 100 more for home and guess who was carrying it... Y/n.

Mio: Okay so I will take this, this, this, this, this, this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this-

Mio Takamiya X OP Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz