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Castiel couldn't sleep. Despite his brother's stubborn personality, he was able to get the story out of him. Needless to say, Castiel was livid with Gabriel.

How could he act out like that? Intoxication is no exception to his behavior, at least in Castiel's books. Sam and Dean are here to help them, even with Sam's past showing up every so often, he's supposed to protect Gabriel no matter what. Now he could see why the archangel didn't feel like that. A drunk Gabriel was a truthful and occasionally happy Gabriel. Wrong time for Sam to show, even if it was for a demon.

Though Sam's reasoning was clear, Castiel wanted to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. It was good, in a way, that his brother was asleep. There would certainly be verbal and maybe even physical violence if he was awake.

Castiel lifted himself off the bed, grabbing his phone on the way up. Instead of praying, because that was for emergencies only, he texted Dean about the situation. About his need for answers. His request was to be met at the 24 hour diner down the road from the motel, easy to walk to. (Gabriel would hear the car's engine)

When he arrived, Sam and Dean were already sitting down. The archangels sat at a booth in a secluded corner of the diner, very much away from anyone else. Castiel waved away the waitress who offered to seat him, ignoring her pouting lip and disappointed huff after his decline.

"You know, it'd really be better if Gabriel is here too," Dean commented immediately. In his eyes, his brother and the hunter seriously needed to talk... and in a public place, it would tone down colorful insults. "This is about him after all, isn't it?"

Castiel shook his head. "Not entirely." His gaze snapped to Sam, who was tapping his fingers against the counter, almost impatiently. "This is about the demon and why you didn't save Gabriel from all those injuries."

Sam stopped the drumming, linking his fingers together to refrain from continuing. "Did he tell you what happened?" The hunter narrowed his eyes. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." A long, tired sigh left Sam's lips. "Then you know why I didn't help him. An insult like that... it's enough to keep me away."

"Sam..." Dean not-so subtly kicked his brother's ankle. The other archangel said nothing. There was something him and Gabriel had in common... stubbornness. He turned to Castiel, rolling his eyes. "He was there, just when Gabriel was unconscious. Sam here, dealt with the demon who nearly killed Gabriel. The demon is dead."

There was a sigh of relief from Castiel. "Thank God." He didn't see Sam's flinch, too focused on the fact his brother's almost-killer was dead. "Thank you, Sam. But..." there was more. "You wanted to ignore him, yet you helped him." He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes once more. "Why?"

"I'd rather discuss this when Gabriel is here as well," Sam interrupted Dean's response in the making. Even though he had been the one to say it, Castiel could tell it wasn't his idea to bring Gabriel into the conversation. "It's late, you should get some sleep. You're going to want rest before this next discussion anyway."

Before Castiel could protest about his sleep schedule and his lack of patience on the matter, both archangels were gone. 'Damn angels.'

(Time skip because dreams are overrated)

The older Novak felt like shit when he woke up. His sides hurt like hell and his head pounded like someone was repeatedly smashing a brick against it. Oh well, he had some advil on the nightstand, and it would have to do.

He noticed his little brother was still asleep. Strange for someone who would wake up at 5am everyday... the clock read 8:00. But after last night, Gabriel felt like he had no room to judge him.

While Gabriel popped a few pills in his mouth, he noticed Castiel's phone was lighting up. He reached across to grab the phone, nearly dropping it when sharp pain shot through his side. It was a good thing he didn't drop it too, Castiel would've kicked his ass for going through his phone.

One of the most recent messages was from Dean.

Dean: Same diner as last night. How does 8:00 sound? (Delivered at 7:00)

Dean: Ok you're not awake yet. 8:30 then. (Delivered at 7:50)

Last night? Gabriel put the phone down, rubbing his hands on his face. No wonder Castiel was tired, he was up meeting his 'guardian angel'. (He's still a little bitter about the demon situation)

'What were they doing anyway? Having coffee at o'dark o'clock without me knowing...' Gabriel frowned and stared at his brother. Was there something going on between him and Dean? 'Well shit.' Fortunately for Castiel, Gabriel didn't have enough teasing-energy to say anything. Maybe he'd ask why they were meeting up, but nothing further.

When the clock hit 8:10, Gabriel decided it was time to 'get up'. He slid off the bed, raising his arms to stretch as far as he could, then dropping one of his hands on Castiel's face. His little brother grunted and smacked Gabriel's hand away.

"Wakey, wakey, little Cassie!" Gabriel shouted, making Castiel groan. He hadn't said that phrase for several years. It had been a way to wake up his little brother for school during their childhood. "I'm hungry, so hurry up and get dressed, we gotta get on the road soon too."

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