"Did he tell you his name?" I questioned, just as confused as everyone else.

"Oh, yeah, Rhys."

You've got to be kidding me.

Damon stood up,"I've been waiting two months to kill this little bitch. Let me at him." He began heading to the back of the cafe but luckily Nikolai held him back for a moment.

"Who is he?" Hallie asked.

"Ex boyfriend. I was with him for a year before my other psycho ex threatened him and he left." I explained, huffing out a breath. Asrael seemed shocked but angry. I hadn't told him what happened, only that Rhys was my ex.

"Move over, I'm punching him first." He slid out of the booth, heading the same way as Damon.

Hallie, Hadley and I shared a look before chasing after them with Riven, Wyatt and Nikolai close behind. Once we burst through the back doors the cold air hit me and I was faced with the one and only Rhys.

I'd thought about why Rhys left but I couldn't really blame him. Blaze had threatened his family, I would do the same to save my brothers.

He looked different from the last time I saw him. Maybe it was the fact he seemed scared shitless of the two furious 6'4 guys in front of him. That two inch height difference is really coming into play.

"Guys, chill." I coughed, standing in front of them hesitantly. Don't kill me just yet.

"Victoria-" Rhys began but I cut him off.

"Doesn't mean I want to talk to you just because I saved your ass. I get why you left and I don't blame you." I stated. Shock covered his face as he opened and closed his mouth.

"Wait- what? Blaze is dead now isn't he? We can get back together."

It seems two months had made him delirious.

"What the fuck? No." I answered without hesitation. The shock and confusion only increased as he reached out to place his hand on my shoulder. It was quickly slapped away by by Asrael though.

I tried not to laugh at the pettiness between the two as he tried placing his hand on my shoulder again only for it to continue to be slapped away.

Wyatt and Hadley snickered behind me and I covered up my laughs by clearing my throat. This is a serious situation, I can't laugh.

"Try to touch her again see how far I fucking throw you."

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my mouth at that. Even Damon was grinning. It was a serious 'tell your ex to go away' situation. Not a comedy. Maybe there was still some alcohol in our systems.

"Why are you laughing? He's being an asshole. Blaze is dead, it's simple, we can get back together now." Rhys stated in an obvious tone and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Look, what we had was nice. I really did love you at one point but I don't anymore. You should move on." I sighed and he merely nodded.

"Whatever. You can stay with this guy." He stormed off, exhibiting typical Rhys behaviour and kicked over a trash can on his way.

"Before Asrael I have to say, your taste was shit." Damon admitted and my jaw dropped.

"Are you saying you actually don't have the need to punch him anymore?" I asked unsurely. My brother thought for a moment before nodding and heading back inside with Nikolai.

"But if you hurt her I'll bury you alive and then dance on your grave as you scream to be let out." Damon called back before the door closed behind him.

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