It Will Be Okay

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After a very eventful couple of days on Planet Galem, Team B-5 can continue on their journey. All of them needed a huge rest from all the truth bombs dropped on them at once on that planet. With all of this insanity, Ulgar completely forgot about his budding romance with Luca. Nothing felt awkward per se. It was just coming to terms with Charce being the traitor and the world they know being built on lies their main worries. Despite Ulgar's despair, he didn't let these things bring him down. They were nearing the end of their unforgettable excursion, and Ulgar tried to focus on that instead of thinking pessimistically. Luca would visit him occasionally and check on how he's doing, and vice versa. They felt safe when the other was present. If Ulgar or Luca was stressed about something or needed a shoulder to cry on, the other will always be there to console them. They would be fine when they're awake, laughing with their teammates, but nighttime was another story. They would sometimes lie awake at night reading too much into this. And the typical emotions that come with adolescence obviously doesn't help make the night go by faster.

"Hey Luca, you doing okay?" Ulgar walked in to Luca's room, happy to see the other's contentment with his presence. Luca was currently sitting at his desk, a sketchbook and colored pencils scattered around.

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better. Thanks for asking." Luca turned around to face the doorway where Ulgar was standing.

"What're you doin'?" Ulgar approached Luca, noticing the art supplies invading his desk. He took a seat on the bed.

"I had the idea of drawing all of us together holding hands or something. Ya know, like a little something to show that we're a family now." Luca smiled. "I just don't know how I should draw it, like should I draw you and me kissing or-"

"N-no." Ulgar blushed. He quickly tried to change the subject. "How about like—a group hug or somethin'?" Ulgar mumbled, surprised that he suggested something that he never thought he would suggest.

"Okay! But I will draw you and me next to each other." Luca smiled, fidgeting with his pencil.


"I always do! look at my other sketches!" Luca handed his sketchbook to Ulgar. He flipped though the many pages to see exactly what Luca described.

Ulgar blushed profusely at how much detail Luca put into drawing him. "These are really good." Ulgar handed the sketchbook back to Luca, causing their fingers to brush against each other.

"Thanks." Luca smiled, opening the book back to the page he was working on. He was lost in thought for a few seconds before he grabbed Ulgar's beanie from his head and put it on his. "I need to put my thinking cap on." Luca smirked while going back to his drawing.

"Hey! Wha—" Ulgar annoyedly reached for his beanie, before he was stopped by Luca's cuteness.

"Can I please where it for a little bit? It helps me think." Luca sneakily took a whiff of the beanie before putting back on his head. He smiled at the scent of Ulgar the soft material emitted.

Ulgar knew fully well that obviously a piece of cloth isn't going to instantly improve Luca's artistry, but he couldn't help but melt at the adorable sight of Luca in his zone of expertise. There was a short period of silence before Ulgar cleared his throat. "Um...would you like me to do anything else?" He mumbled.

"Hmm..." Luca pondered, turning towards Ulgar with a smug expression. "I'm not really that comfortable at my desk, can I sit in between your legs?"

Ulgar looked anywhere but at Luca as his eyes widened and his face heated up. This was a completely absurd suggestion that made him hug his legs up to his chest in attempt that Luca wouldn't sit that close to him in that area. Ulgar didn't answer, which he automatically regretted as Luca stood up from his chair and sat on the bed with his sketchbook in hand.

ASTRA LOST IN SPACE: Luca x Ulgar One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora