𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Days have past and you wanted to get out and you still haven't remembered anything. Bakugo would ask you everyday if you remembered anything but you would shamefully shake your head and constantly say you were sorry.

 And his heart would break even more with every time he asked. 

The doctors said everything was fine with your healing process and that nothing further would erase your memory. They said that the day you could walk was when they could clear you and you could go home. And you didn't want to be cooped up in the hospital bed any longer. 

You were by yourself in the room and you had to use the bathroom. So you slowly turned so your feet were hanging off the bed you slide down and plant your feet on the ground. 

You look at the door hoping no one would enter. You grab onto the bed and push yourself up. 

Your legs were a little shaky and they shook even more with every step. You just wanted to get to the bathroom but you were running out of things to hold onto. It was only a few more steps until you got to the bathroom. 

You let go of the bed and attempt to walk on your own. You were in the middle of taking a step and that's when you heard the door open. 

"Hey y/n- yo dumbass what are you doing!" you glance over at bakugou and when you step down your leg gives in and you wobble trying to catch your balance. 

Bakugo runs up to you as you fall in his arms. 

"What the hell were you trying to do!" you try and get up again. "I'm trying to go to the bathroom" you say and you try to walk again. 

"Are you always this loud?" bakugou doesn't answer the question 

"why didn't you call someone?" bakugo helps you up and you hold onto his arm. 

"I just wanna do this on my own, i don't wanna be in this hospital anymore" you say and you walk to the bathroom with bakugos support. 

Bakugo shakes his head and a faint smile comes across his face. 

"You're still as determined and stubborn as ever," you look at him before you walk into the bathroom and close the door. 

You opened the door and Bakugou went to help you but you avoided his arm. 

"I got it, I got it" you take a step and your legs shake. 

"Yeahhh, no you don't" you heard bakugou and he takes your arm and helps you to your bed. 

"What did you bring today?" you ask slowly leaning a bit closer to bakugou. 

He reaches in his pocket and puts out a few Polaroid pictures hanging them to you. 

"Whats this?" you ask about taking the pictures. 

"That right there" he pointed to a picture of you two in front of a mirror with you on his shoulders. 

"That's the day we moved in together. You wouldn't stop taking pictures and it took us forever to unpack" you go through the pictures. 

"Oh and this one was from when i opened my hero agency" the picture was the both of you standing in front of a building smiling wide. 

"You look so happy" you said and the mood went down. 

"I'm Sorry i ruined that" 

"how many times do i have to say it, it's not your fault so stop saying sorry" you look at him and then back at the photos you looked through them for awhile and bakugou just watch as you laughed and smiled at the photos until the door opened and the nurse came in with a wheelchair. 

She said it was time for your physical therapy. You didn't want to leave because bakugou just got here. 

You wanted to stay. 

Any moment you had you wanted to use it to remember your life with him.

𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻 k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now