Chain Reaction.

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So I have no idea what im doing here. 



I walked into the room escorted by a tired looking police man, his face was drawn with age and he looked to be apathetic beyond belief. He threw me into a cold metal chair, facing a metal table the room was bare, no windows, no paintings, only one big black mirror, one way my guess. The tired looking police man left without a word or even a grunt of pity or judgment, just there to scrape on by. 

I sat at the table trying to keep worry from seeping into my features, I sat with my hands in between my scabby and scarred legs, my lips tight and my face,  hopefully smug. I looked down at my chained hands and played with the warm metal surface of the cuffs. 

After what felt like an hour, A nice looking police man came in, he looked to be mexican, with thick black hair and an even skin tone. His face was young and lively, I smiled up at him and he returned with a worried look.

"Would you be more comfortable with a female detective?" He asked rubbing his hands on his blue and black uniform, obviously nervous. I gave him a smug grin.

"No, youll do just fine." The police man looked edgy, sweat was visibly forming on his forehead, he had fear written plainly on is face. I tried my best not to burst into tears.

"Well, my name is detective Mornara."

"Do you know why you are here Sarah?"

"No officer why dont you tell me?" I said in the snottiest tone i could muster, as i thought about it, I havent done anything but harbor a fugitive. The scary part was what i had witnessed.

The young police man sat in the chair across from me. He took out a large yellow papered notepad and a pen. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and then tore away. 

"Sarah, they think you murdered them, they think youre insane." He said like it was some secret. Fear and anger bubbled up on my surface and I slammed my hands on the cold metal table and stood up, probably looking dreadful.

"I DIDNT KILL THEM!" I yelled at the detective, he scrunched in his chair trying to form the fetal position but having a hard time in a chair.

"I'm sorry..We'll start over."

My guess is that he would start asking mandatory questions like, ' where were you? did you know her? what connection do you have with her?' I had complicated answers to those questions and I didnt know what would happen if i said anything about it. 

Well yes I was there during the murder, and yes, I know who did it and what happened. But everything happens for a reason right? And it did, none of this would have happened if it werent for that one night at summer camp. Cliche, I know but thats the truth, If Lilly and I hadnt of gone to summer camp no one would be dead. Shes still out there and it scares me, she wont stop, not for me not for anybody.

I snapped out of my mental dream world and back to the officer, he was writing something down on a notepad. 

"So, just tell me what happened. Everything, details and All." 

I looked around the gray room and looked at him, leveling my eyes. "Well, first was the day at summer camp..." I said drifting off into memory land. 

Chain Reaction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora