Double Blessing (Nepgear And Uni)

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"So it's really just us, huh?" You asked.

"Yeah, IF and Compa were not available to help." Ghost Two answered.

"What about Big Neptune?"

"She's currently on a cruise with some lucky man in another dimension." Ghost Three replied. "Who knows when they might return."

"Right..." You nodded. "...I do hope they're alright."

"Oooh, you falling for the candidates?" Ghost Two smirked.

You looked away. "I'm a warrior, why would I have time for sappy stuff like that?"

"I wouldn't be so sure." Ghost Three said. "You've had your eye on Nepgear and Uni for a while, haven't you?"

You blinked. " did you know that?!"

"Aha, so you do like them that way. Well in that case, you better lead the charge."

You shook your head. "O-of course, I'm the strong one after all. There's no way I plan to lose this easily."

The other two got up after taking a rest and you resumed with pushing through the third area and finding the stairs going down to the fourth area. Going through the labyrinth itself was a struggle enough since there was no telling which way was which and the radar that showed the current position was useless here. During exploring the fourth area, you were in a big open space where you found a giant grey dogoo.

"Woah, check that one out." Ghost Two said. "That's a giant metal dogoo."

"Dude! Uzume said that those are extremely rare." Ghost Three added. "If we beat it, we'll get TONS of EXP."

"Don't bother." You intervened, turning away. "We're strong enough as it is and-"

You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence when you heard the noises of weapons clashing, you turned back to see them both trying to take down the giant metal dogoo. You sighed in annoyance before deciding to help them out. 

Joining in the fray, the battle began to turn in your favor before you eventually finished it off. Your two friends received a lot of EXP as expected and they leveled up by quite a lot. You on the other hand didn't level up, that was because you were already at a very high level.

"Huh? Why haven't you gotten stronger?" Ghost Three asked.

"Wait, don't tell me you're already at the max level." Ghost Two added. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Since the day I got to fight for the first time." You boasted. "Now come on, we've wasted enough time here."

The three of you resumed with going through the fourth area until you found the stairway and as soon as you were about to go down, you heard distant voices.

"Heeeeeeeeelp us!" A faint girl voice yelled from the next area.

"Dude, that sounded like one of the CPU candidates." Ghost Three said. "But who was it?"

"Does it matter?" Ghost Two responded. "We have to hurry."

"Already on it." You said as you rushed down the stairs.

You arrived at the fifth area and judging by how short this area was compared to the previous four, this was the last area of the dungeon. As first, it was all dark and quiet...perhaps too quiet which made it suspicious. 

As you walked further in with your two friends, you then started seeing a dark light shining on a wall, you saw to your left and gasped loudly. Hanging on the wall were the very four girls that were captured, they were all in thier HDD forms and some of them looked like they had taken a huge beating.

Neptunia x Male Reader ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora