
528 10 2

// Clearly spoilers but for when tommy visits dream in prison for the first time.

So we all know how when dream was trying to get tommy exield a while back and he was going all crazy and said something along the lines of "I don't care about anything but your discs". well I think he might have been lying or bluffing you could say. Because he's smart we all know he is. I think he lied to tommy about that and there is something that he cares about but clearly doesn't want tommy to know because then it could be used against him. And i think that thing or things is george and Sapnap just his friends in general because he's seems like a pretty social person so being in prison by himself must be pretty sad. aslo when tommy goes to visit him and tommy ask who he missed the most dream just goes purely quiet and tommy says some stuff about sapnap and then dream leaves. 

~ this was kinda a rant sorta thing god help

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