9 || Day 9/10

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9th of November, 2002.

Nobody could take their eyes off of Violet, scared she'd do something, they didn't know what, but something. Five was the most scared, he was in love with her, obviously. He didn't want to speak to her though, because she would yell, and he didn't want her too. He never even read the note, because it made it real. But Five wouldn't even know how real it was for a long time, the years differing on who you ask. 

Violet paced around her room, she was good at keeping emotions a secret, weirdly good, and she knew it, she just wished she didn't, so that she could even convince herself she was happy. She stopped pacing and sat on her window again, it was comforting, having her life in her own hands, she liked it. She felt in control, today instead of thinking about jumping, she was thinking about how much she would've scared Five, and if she let go, how much she would've hurt him. She wasn't sitting with her legs hanging off, she was sitting with her legs against one side of the window, and her back against the other. She decided she would apologise, and left to go find him. 

"Five! Hey!" Violet said enthusiastically, Five braced himself, even though she seemed happy "hey vi." he said back, a lot quieter than she did "so uh I just wanted to apologise for what you saw yesterday, I wasn't going to do anything, I was just lifting myself off of the windowsill, because its fun, and the uh note" she used quotation marks around note "is a drawing I taped folded" she giggled, and he nodded "when are you going to be honest?" she was gripping her necklace again, she didn't even realise. "I am being honest though." she smiled, as if it'd just make it all better. "Violet" he started, he took her hands in his, and she met his eyes "please just take care of yourself, and I'll always be here, if you need me." he smiled like her, but weaker, she didn't find this touching, she found it rude, and she scoffed "I am trying to fix everything, and instead your trying to say I'm messed up in the head?" Violet yelled, Five knew that this was it, the yelling. "Violet-" Five started, quieter than she was, he was so sick of yelling at her "No! you don't get to just do that! Just say my name like everything will be fixed, like this is a movie! It's not, this is our life, real life!" she yelled, and he rolled his eyes "I don't want to yell at you because I love you! and- and- the fact you can't comprehend that is just beyond stupid to me!" he finally spoke up, it wasn't yelling, but it was loud, he realised what he had just said "five did you just-" Violet was cut off by Five shaking his head and walking away. "whatever" he muttered,  just longing to go to sleep and not wake up, however he still had lunch, dinner, and a group training to get through, with Violet.

19th of November, 2002

Violet stood looking at herself in the mirror, a kid with a uniform wasn't exactly going to fit in, wherever she was going, so right now she was out buying silk, she would make her own dress. Melanie knew she was going, and intended to be the last person to see her, so she was going to the Hargreeves house right now, it was a long walk, an hour or so, but she didn't notice. The cold was what got to her however, she hated it, hated snow, hated anything cold. Violet on the other hand, absolutely loved the snow, and the cold, it was just so pretty. Her best memories were in the snow, memories with her siblings, and memories with Five. what would she say to him? 'hey, its me, Violet, the girl who is literally in love with you so much so that I went to find you in a probably godawful time? haha!', she couldn't, but she had too. Her dad brung up Five at every chance.

"violets leaving, I can tell, she's planning it, Allison this is what dad was talking about, he's getting rid of her, by mentioning five every 5 minutes, and now she- she!" Luther was out of breath, Allison rolled her eyes "you're overthinking again Luther, now get out." Allison smiled, Luther shook his head "Allison I'm right this time." Allison got up and slapped him "stop, get out." she went back to the book she was reading, and Luther scoffed, leaving the room. if she wouldn't listen, maybe Ben and Klaus would.

9th of November, 2002.

Violet went out into the courtyard, it was snowing, and she was wearing a mere blazer and some thin stockings to protect her from the cold, it wasn't working, but Violet loved snow. The snow fell on her head and face, and she felt peaceful, nice, and cold. Violet could see her breath and was certain her saliva was turning to ice in her mouth, instead of taking a hit and going inside, she went to a tree in the farthest corner of the courtyard, it was a really high tree, so she did nothing else but climbed it, a very bright choice (if you can't sense the sarcasm you are stupid, iq  of 2.). She climbed to the tallest branch she could reach, and sat, her legs dangling off of the branch, she was smiling, a huge smile, the biggest smile in a while. This moment was perfect, and she thought it couldn't be ruined. She thought wrong however, as Five came out looking for her, and soon had spatial jumped next to her in the tree, he said nothing, but leaned his head on her shoulder "we're going to change the world, you and I." he chuckled, Violet made out a small "mhm" before looking at him "I'm sorry Five, for everything, ever." she said this seriously, she wasn't gripping her necklace or skirt, but five just nodded "I am too, also how are you not cold?" he asked, wearing a bunch of warm clothing "I am, but its just so pretty, that I don't care." Violet sighed, her breath turning white in the cold "why'd you say we're gonna change the world?" she asked, he shook his head "dear old dad said I'd amount to nothing. I hate training." Violet grabbed his hand "alright then, we'll change the world." she smiled, and he smiled back. they laid their heads together, and Five planted a kiss on Violets nose, which she loved, but she'd scrunch her nose in pretend distaste. 

a/n: short chapter, but I've been busy writing the last chapter and this chapter was in the back of my mind, it wasn't until I finished the last chapter that I started this one, which is usually not the case. Anyways, have a nice day and stay safe everyone! <3

Mirage (Five x Reader/oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن